Multiple Sclerosis & Neuroinflammation

Multiple Sclerosis & Neuroinflammation – May 2024 – #0038

Dr. Joseph M. Miller

ROOT Cause Supplements & Wellness, LLC

Chronic Inflammation Research Lab, Fort Lauderdale, FL

The Research & Development Divisions of pharmaceutical companies producing medications  to treat MS (Multiple Sclerosis), have drugs in the pipeline to address the pathophysiology of Neuroinflammation. In a recent medical survey I was invited to give my opinions, on behalf of undisclosed pharmaceutical companies, and the opening questions / statements I was asked to answer with a simple yes or no were:

1.The current approach to MS management is effective at controlling relapses and acute lesions but may fail to address an important mechanism of disease progression that results in disability accumulation.

2.Disability accumulation is driven in part by smoldering neuroinflammation—a mechanism that originates in the CNS and may be independent of acute neuroinflammation that drives relapses and acute lesions.

3.Smoldering neuroinflammation may occur early in the disease process and is often unseen early on.

4.Despite effective control of their relapse and acute lesion activity, many patients may continue to experience disease progression that results in disability accumulation.

5.Smoldering neuroinflammation—which occurs exclusively in the CNS—has been largely inaccessible.

6.Targeting both acute and smoldering neuroinflammation is important in addressing relapses and acute lesion activity and directly impacting the mechanisms that drive disease progression and resulting disability accumulation.

The Conclusions Derived at the end of the survey from these opening statements were as follows:

Controlling relapses and flares of the disease over time did not correlate very well with long term disability accumulation.

The term, “smoldering neuroinflammation” is synonymous with chronic neuroinflammation, and also CNS oxidative stress.

Individuals with MS can have a Flare or Relapse with or without showing New lesions on Gd MRI Scan, and/or T2 MRI Scan. Therefore, the conclusion affirms the presence of another mechanism, “smoldering neuroinflammation”, and therefore R&D has drugs in the pipeline to address the “smoldering neuroinflammation.

There is not a direct correlation between number and size of Lesions noted on MRI scans, and a patients clinical presentation and symptoms. Thus, the interest in neuroinflammation as the unseen, “silent contributor” towards disability accumulation.

They concluded “smoldering neuroinflammation” is present even before the onset of symptoms and the initial diagnosis of MS. Addressing this pathophysiology is critical from the very beginning, and continuously thereafter.

Current Therapies, DMT (Disease Modifying Therapies), focus on suppressing / modifying the immune response to lessen damage to the myelin sheath. However, the second and possibly more important mechanism to address simultaneously is Neuroinflammation.

Neuroinflammation, “smoldering neuroinflammation” is chronic and active continuously, placing a constant physiologic burden on the myelin sheath, and remains important to address continuously, lowering the baseline level of neuroinflammation.

Lowering the baseline chronic “smoldering neuroinflammation”, will lessen the peak level of inflammation during an acute flare.

Many of the same cell membrane receptors which are being researched, are the same receptors which natural plant-based compounds have affinities for. One primary receptor being researched is the  NF-kB  receptor. Compounds which can bind to the NF-kB receptor on a cellular level, and block transmission at that receptor, will lower inflammation and neuroinflammation.

Curcumin, the active compound in Turmeric has a high affinity for the NF-kB receptor in downregulating the cellular inflammatory response in all cells, including the CNS (Central Nervous System)

Currently we recommend 4-10 Curcu-Meric 975mg capsules daily, with Curcumin dosages ranging from 2300mg (4 capsules) to 5750mg (10 capsules) daily, for our MS Clients. They stay on this regimen simultaneously while being treated by their Neurologist, or MS specialist, for optimal Therapeutic Results.

Curcu-Meric 975mg capsules address the “smoldering neuroinflammation” being researched by pharmaceutical companies.

We have several dozen clients with MS on our Curcu-Meric 975mg Capsule, and the universal response is positive with respect to a reduction in severity and frequency of their flares / relapses, and  symptoms over the past 4 years.  Long term disability is currently being tracked.

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