Fort Lauderdale, Florida – Retail / Consulting

2655 East Oakland Park Boulevard, Suite 6, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306

HOURS: 1-6 PM Monday – Friday

Weekends By Appointment: Text 609-489-9425


Science suggests that water can help with weight loss in a variety of ways. It may suppress your appetite, boost your metabolism, and make exercise easier and more efficient, all of which could contribute to results on the scale. We tend to start off our day staying well hydrated, however, in the later part of the day we don’t hydrate as much. Try adding healthy vitamin formulas to your water later in the day, to add flavor and increased nourishment. This will stimulate your metabolism later in the day, and give you more energy around 5PM when your energy starts to drop off.

What is Detox, Cleanse, Bowl Cleanse, Nutritional Cleanse, Bowel Detox, Liver Detox, Kidney Detox?

All these terms are used very generically, and too liberally for mainly marketing purposes. For 18 years I practiced OB/GYN & Pelvic Surgery, and was involved in many General Surgery Cases as an assistant Surgeon where we needed to resect, and / or open the small or large intestine. There is a myth that the GUT can accumulate substances that stick to your inner intestinal wall. This is absolutely, 100% untrue. The inner linning of your Intestines & Colon is pink mucosa similar to the inside of your mouth. Not one patient out of the hundreds of General Surgery cases I was involved in, had any substance stuck to their inner lining of the GUT. One exception would be exudates from an infection or cancer. So what do all these terms mean? Detox, Cleanse etc…

In order to cleanse / detox your cells, organs, small intestines, large intestines, kidneys, liver and ALL Body Systems and Tissues, we simply need to intake healthy foods, predominantly plant-based, in smaller amounts, while ingesting pure high-grade supplements, whether capsules, pills or liquids on a daily basis. At the same time abstain from alcohol, exercise moderately, and get proper rest and sleep.

Adding on the practice of Intermittent fasting is extremely valuable, as this allows your cells and tissues to work hard processing all the healthy supplements you are ingesting, and not processing an abundance of food intake; this is where the concept of cellular cleansing is impacted, allowing the cells in your Liver, Kidney, GUT and other organs to eliminate toxins, that we accumulate from foods, environmental pollutants, trace metals & respiratory tract contaminants via functioning at extremely efficient and optimal levels as they were designed. Therefore, this concept of agressively detoxing your body with lets say, a 21 day detox, will create more stress on your cells and organs than under normal circumstances.

If you would like be more agressive with fasting to accomplish your goals, and accelerate weight loss, I recommend no longer than 24-36 hour fast, once per month. However, this does not mean you do not eat or drink anything. You must take in small amounts of nutrient dense liquids and foods. What does this mean? 1/2 the amount of your normal protein shake, just once during the 24-36 hour fast, along with liquids, vitamin products, and other healthy high-grade products that are added to your water; as you will be drinking lots of water enriched with vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and other healthy plant-based ingredients. You may also have 1 -100 calorie snack during this 24-36 hour prolonged fast once per month. On a daily basis the rest of the month eat smaller meals / snacks, with healthy carbs, higher in protein, healthy fats. 100-200 calorie snacks, 200-400 calorie meals, keeping your calories slightly below your recommendations for your age, gender and weight / BMI.

There are many misperceptions and much misinformation regarding these topics (i.e Detox / Cleanse) for the sake of marketing products and wellness programs, also simply because many companies and individuals are not educated on the physiology of the Human body, and it’s intrinsic ability to cleanse and detox itself. Your body detoxes and cleanses itself if you adopt a healthy daily lifestyle. This includes clean eating, supplements, exercise, hydration, meditation, sleep, no smoking, very limited alcohol (1 drink, 3 times a week for women; 1-2 drinks, 3 times a week for men). Your cells in ALL your organs will now be functioning like a very efficient engine which is well-maintained. Our cells are like an engine, there is only a certain percentage of efficiency. Lets assume a combustible engine has a normal efficiency of 45% and if well maintained it may go up to 50-55%. Our cells function under the same concept. Our cells may have a normal efficiency of 65-70%. If you have bad habits that may drop to 55-60%, and now your cells are working at a compromised state which raises you probability of developing an illness, disease or auto-immune disorder.

However, if you adopt the healthy habits discussed herein, you will raise your cellular efficiency to 75-80%, thus warding off future disease, improving your quality of life, and allowing your cells and organs to properly function as detox and cleanse machines on a daily basis. This will yield normal bowel movements, less time toxins remain in contact with the bowel lining and better absorption of nutrients and minerals. Once again agressive detoxes / cleanses, especially those involving the Intestines / Colon / Bowels are not warranted, and do more harm. Remember, Nothing accumulates inside your GUT, as the lining is pink mucosa like the lining of your mouth and throat, except in certain curcumstances as prviously mentioned, requiring different treatment.

Swap an unhealthy breakfast for a healthier one

Is your typical breakfast something quick and full of refined (not whole) grains, processed meat, saturated fat, or added sugar? Eating that kind of food regularly may drive up calories, weight, blood sugar, or cholesterol levels — and that’s not good for your heart.

Instead, choose breakfast foods rich in fiber, a type of carbohydrate that either passes through the body undigested (insoluble fiber) or dissolves into a gel (soluble fiber) that coats the gut.

Not only does fiber help digestion, it also

  • traps, mops up, and lowers bad [LDL] cholesterol that can lead to clogged arteries
  • controls blood sugar and lowers the risk for diabetes, which is strongly associated with heart attacks and strokes
  • may help fight chronic inflammation, which plays a role in clogging arteries and causing heart attacks.

Fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains (oats, barley, quinoa) and many other foods are rich in fiber. Try these fiber-rich breakfast ideas:

  • microwaved oatmeal (heat a 1/2 cup of oatmeal with almost a cup of low-fat milk for about two minutes)
  • a serving of cooked quinoa (cold, if you have it in your fridge) with a dollop of nonfat Greek yogurt, berries, and granola
  • whole-grain cereal with milk (go for cereals with the highest amounts of whole grains and lowest amounts of added sugars)
  • a slice of whole-grain toast with two tablespoons of nut butter (like almond or peanut butter)
  • one or two handfuls of homemade trail mix (use your favorite unsalted nuts, sunflower seeds, and dried fruit such as raisins or apricots).

Breast cancer risk

Follow up since the initial WHI publication have shown that breast cancer risk is largely dependent on the formulation and route of HT used. Oral estrogen combined with a progestogen has been shown to increase the risk of invasive breast cancer, though very rarely.22 To put it into context, the absolute risk of breast cancer based on follow-up studies from WHI showed less than 1 additional case per 1,000 person years of use; less risk than associated with drinking 2 glasses of wine per day and similar to that of obesity and/or sedentary lifestyle.23,24 

****Studies have shown estrogen treatment alone for postmenopausal women does not appear to increase the risk of breast cancer. In fact, follow-up data from WHI showed a nonsignificant reduction in breast cancer risk for those taking ET alone.25****

Breast cancer risk stratification is helpful when determining appropriateness of HT in postmenopausal women. Generally, if using risk stratification models for breast cancer (ie, Gail Risk model or international breast cancer intervention study [IBIS] tool), a patient who is average to moderate risk, HT can be offered with appropriate counseling. By contrast, a patient who is high risk should have a more detailed discussion about their risk (surveillance and risk-reducing treatments), and they may consider nonhormonal options for treatment of VMS. Women with a history of breast cancer should not be prescribed systemic HT.

This Page will continually be updated, with new information, on a weekly basis


These 2 workouts may help prevent cellular aging

Exercise is hard work, but it pays. Adding to the many reasons to get moving is repeatedly compelling research about two exercise methods that can help prevent cellular aging: high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and endurance training.

What are these exercise methods, and why do they work?

The anti-aging response

In a study published in the European Heart Journal, researchers examined the cellular effects of different exercise interventions. Over 6 months, 124 participants were instructed to perform one of three modalities: endurance training, HIIT, or resistance training (using free weights, weight machines, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises to increase muscular strength). Some participants were assigned to a control group and instructed to make no change to their exercise regimen.

After 6 months, researchers found that HIIT and endurance training, but not resistance training, increased telomerase activity, which is beneficial for cell growth and replication. Telomeres are nucleotide sequences found at the end of chromosomes that protect our genetic information. When they shorten, cellular aging occurs. HIIT and endurance training were found to increase telomere length, inhibiting cell death, and ultimately producing an anti-aging effect.

Similar results were reported in Cell Metabolism, in a study that compared the metabolic responses from HIIT and resistance training. Participants were placed in cohorts by age (<30 and >65), and randomized to one of three exercise routines: HIIT, resistance training, or a combination of both. After 12 weeks, all exercise routines resulted in improved fitness, boosted insulin sensitivity, and increased lean mass, but HIIT training increased aerobic capacity and mitochondrial function, leading to a reduction in mitochondrial decay, which contributes to aging.

For older adults, HIIT training yielded the most significant reversal in cellular aging. Participants over 65 saw a 69% increase in mitochondrial respiration—the metabolic process within mitochondria that converts energy into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the universal energy donor in our cells. Additionally, adults under 30 saw a 49% increase. Resistance training did not provide this effect in either age group.

According to senior author Sreekumaran Nair, MD, PhD, “Any exercise is better than being sedentary.” Still, he noted that for older adults, HIIT is a highly efficient way to counteract many age-related changes.

Best part? HIIT training has also been proven to be the best exercise method to reduce body fat

Huge benefits, little time commitment

HIIT has gained popularity because it brings powerful benefits without a large time commitment, especially compared with endurance training, which requires long stretches of time. This was demonstrated in a research trial following two groups of sedentary men: one group performing a 10-minute workout with sprint intervals, and another performing 50 minutes of continuous exercise. After 12 weeks, researchers found that both groups saw equal improvements in cardiometabolic health, despite the 40-minute difference in time commitment. In summary, research shows us that HIIT is more efficient than endurance training.

Effectiveness is a different question. Fortunately, it can be answered simply. Which of these routines are you most likely to stick to? That’s the most effective anti-aging workout for you.

“Not everyone reacts to exercise in the same way,” said Daniel Green, PhD, a professor of exercise science at the University of Western Australia, in an interview with The New York Times. “But there is something out there that will benefit almost everyone.”

HIIT and endurance training

HIIT combines short bursts of all-out exercise followed by short periods of rest. Intense work intervals generally last from 15 seconds to 4 minutes, and are performed to achieve 80% to 95% of a person’s maximum heart rate. Recovery intervals last about the same time and are performed at a much lower intensity: 40% to 50% of maximum heart rate. The work/recovery interval is repeated several times, comprising a quick workout between 10 to 40 minutes total. A HIIT regimen can involve treadmills or rowing machines, bodyweight exercises, free weights, or no equipment at all.

Here’s an example of a 10-minute beginner HIIT workout, completed in three rounds with no equipment. For each step, use maximum effort for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds:

  • Push-ups
  • Squats
  • High kicks
  • Jumping jacks

Keep in mind that this is just a single example. The exercises can vary, so swap in your favorite moves. The key is to dig deep and use maximum effort, regardless of exercise type.

Endurance training is a continuous form of exercise, typically performed at sub-maximal intensity for sessions that range from 30 minutes to several hours. This type of training aims to build endurance, which allows a person to exert long bouts of effort without becoming fatigued. Popular endurance sports such as running, swimming, and cycling are good examples of endurance training, characterized by repeated isotonic contractions of large muscle groups. You can also practice endurance training by performing just about any aerobic exercise (jump rope, lunges, dancing, kickboxing, and more) at a low level of resistance over relatively long periods of time without rests, or with minimal rests in between.


of developing type 2 diabetes, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Consume fruit in its whole, natural form, and avoid syrups or any processed fruits with added sugar, which have the tendency to spike your blood sugar. Stick to the produce aisle and the freezer section of your grocery store. If you’re using the glycemic index (GI) or glycemic load — measures of how foods affect your blood sugar levels — to make dietary decisions, most whole fruits are a good choice because they tend to lie low on these rankings.

When you have diabetes, these steps will help you keep your blood sugar within a healthy range, thereby lowering your risk of certain diabetes complications, including neuropathy (nerve damage), kidney disease, eyesight issues like glaucomacataracts, or diabetic retinopathy, and life-threatening illnesses like heart disease and stroke.


Berries for a Refreshing Treat and Disease-Fighting Antioxidants


Tart Cherries Help Fight Inflammation


Sweet, Juicy Peaches for Metabolism-Boosting Potassium


Apricots for a Scrumptious, Fiber-Rich Bite


Apples for a Quick Fibrous and Vitamin C–Rich Snack


Oranges for a Juicy, Refreshing Source of Vitamin C


Pears for Easy Snacking, Plus Vitamin K and Fiber


Studies have shown that periodic sessions of Intermittent Fasting (IF)— in which a person limits their meals to a certain window of time, with a fixed period of eating little or nothing — can boost weight loss, reduce waist circumference, and lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and total cholesterol, according to a review of research published in September 2021 in the journal Nutrients.

There are different ways to do IF, including skipping meals and eating only during a certain time period, or restricting calories on certain days of the week and eating normally on other days, according to the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists. The most common IF diets consist of a 16-hour daily fast, a 24-hour fast on alternate days, or a two-day-a-week fast on nonconsecutive days, according to the authors of the Nutrients analysis.

There are many schedules, however, I am not a big proponent of 24 hour fasts. It is very important to stay hydrated, and to replenish your body with liquid, chewable and / or capsule supplements during these fasting hours to help with cellular metabolism and cellular cleansing.

A risk of IF for people with diabetes, even for those without, is hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. A study published in February 2018 in the journal Diabetic Medicine found that IF doubles the risk for hypoglycemia in people with type 2 diabetes. People who are on specific diabetes medications — sulfonylureas and insulin, in particular — may be at increased risk of this complication, which can be life threatening.

Certain people, such as those who are pregnant or breastfeeding or have an underlying disease or medical condition, should also avoid IF. Anytime you have a higher demand for more nutrition, you don’t want to do a fast,  people who are pregnant or breastfeeding require extra calories for themselves and their babies, and fasting can cause them to run out of glucose and burn fat, tissue, and muscle. What’s more, if a pregnant person overproduces ketones (a compound that is produced when the body uses fat for fuel), the effect can be harmful to the fetus.  

People with diabetes also run the risk of developing diabetic ketoacidosis, or DKA, which occurs when your body doesn’t have enough insulin to move blood sugar into your cells for use as energy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). When that happens, your liver responds by producing too many ketones, which can build up in the body and damage the kidneys as well as cause brain swelling. DKA may even lead to a diabetic coma or death.

Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle is considered one of the most effective approaches for lowering cholesterol to reduce heart disease risk, and here’s why: Inflammation is what causes the oxidation of circulating LDL (aka “bad” cholesterol), the process by which plaque deposits form in blood vessels, leading to heart disease. And this inflammation tends to stick around, creating a “pro-inflammatory environment” that leads to even more oxidative damage and changes in the ratio of “good” and “bad” cholesterol, which causes that buildup of plaque in blood vessels.

Watching fat intake is still important, since fats like saturated fat can trigger inflammation when you eat too much. However, focusing on eating more anti-inflammatory foods is now considered just as important. Check out these top eight anti-inflammatory foods to eat to lower cholesterol.

Curcumin, the Active Ingredient in Turmeric Root has proven multi-potential benefits on our tissues and cells besides being the most effective Compound to Therapeutically decrease Inflammation & Oxidative Stress. One other area of Therapeutic Value is pertaining to metabolism and the processing of our ingested sugars properly (Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose) , along with reducing fat storage, and promoting the browning of white fat. The histology of Brown Fat allows this type of fat to burn / metabolize into energy more readily and efficiently than white fat. Refer to the link below for info pertaining to Turmeric / Curcumin & Fat Metabolism.

Mediterranean, Ket0, Paleo & Dash are all diets which help promote Cellular Metabolism & Low-Glycemic Index, aiding the shedding of subcutaneous and visceral fat. However, the other common denominator which these diets share is the reduction of Inflammation in our cells and tissues. Thus, we see reduced mortality which is consistent with lower inflammation & oxidative stress (chronic inflammation)

Black Beans & Black-Eyed Peas

Black beans and black-eyed peas are two options, but really you can choose any assortment of beans and peas—just get in at least 3 cups a week. Eating this amount, particularly when consumed in place of higher-fat animal proteins or refined carbohydrates (like sugar, or white bread), is one of the best things to do for heart health. This is thanks to beans and peas being great sources of fiber (1/2 cup has 7 to 9 grams), which lowers cholesterol and inflammation. Look for ways to substitute or add in beans and peas during the week. If using canned, opt for no-salt-added, or rinse the beans, to reduce sodium.

Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce and canned tomatoes are top sources of the phytochemical lycopene, which research suggests acts as an antioxidant to halt the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and reduces inflammation. Lycopene is also found in watermelon, pink grapefruit, apricots and papaya, but because heat increases its bioavailability (or how much of it we actually absorb when we eat it), cooked or minimally processed sources are the best sources. In fact, tomato pastes, sauces, juices and other canned products offer up to five times more lycopene per cup compared to raw sources.

Olive Oil

Remember the days when foods labeled “fat-free” and “cholesterol-free” were considered the healthier options? This approach wasn’t the most appetizing and, as it turns out, wasn’t that effective. But thanks to research on eating approaches like the Mediterranean Diet, thinking has changed. Today, the focus is on choosing healthier sources of fats and oils for both the prevention and management of high cholesterol and heart disease. And one of the best sources, according to the American Heart Association, is extra-virgin olive oil, which may provide extra benefit thanks to a unique anti-inflammatory compound in it called oleocanthal.


Sipping on black or green tea may combat high cholesterol and LDL levels thanks to phytochemicals, such as flavonols and catechins. These compounds have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that research suggests may block key enzymes needed to create cholesterol in the body, as well as limit the absorption of some cholesterol from the food you eat. The overall effect is that drinking two to three cups per day has the potential to significantly reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Choose green over black for less caffeine, and keep tabs on overall intake if you’re also consuming other caffeinated beverages.


Working 1 to 2 ounces of walnuts into your diet each day is another good way to lower high cholesterol. Meta-analyses published in 2009 and 2015 found that both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol were significantly reduced in those who ate walnuts daily. These effects are thought to stem from nutrients like heart-healthy unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vitamin E, phytosterols (a type of antioxidant) and their associated anti-inflammatory effects. Partial to another nut? Other tree nuts like almonds and pistachios, as well as peanuts, offer similar benefits.


Adding in a little flaxseed each day has the potential to significantly reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol thanks to a type of fiber in them called lignans, as well as a group of antioxidants, called polyphenols, and an omega-3 fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This nutrient combination has anti-inflammatory effects that are credited with significant improvements in the ratio of good and bad fats circulating in your system. Look for ways to add a little ground or whole flaxseed in each day, such as sprinkling it in hot or cold cereal, baked goods and smoothies.


Similar to other beans and legumes, soy foods like edamame and tofu are good sources of fiber, potassium, magnesium and phytosterol antioxidants, which keep cholesterol levels in check and ease inflammation, especially when consumed in place of animal-based proteins. But soy foods may offer benefits even beyond that thanks to isoflavones, compounds that also target cholesterol in the bloodstream. This means soy foods provide a two-pronged approach to lowering cholesterol.

Cold-Water Fish

Cold-water fish are a great source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat that numerous studies associate with improving heart health. Research suggests that these fatty acids can significantly reduce triglycerides levels. Perhaps more importantly though, they exert a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that helps fight a pro-inflammatory environment—like when your cholesterol is high. Choose omega-3 fish that are lower in mercury such as salmon, canned light tuna, catfish, pollock, sardines and anchovies, and try to get two servings each week.

Leafy greens and cruciferous veggies in general. Salad greens, such as spinach, Swiss chard, and kale, as well as broccoli and cabbage, are full of rich vitamins and minerals. Studies have shown that they contain special immune-boosting compounds. Filling your plate with these nutritious foods may help protect you from unwanted viruses and more. Adding Plant-Based Foods to your diet along with our plant based capsules will help many Auto-Immune Disorders, Try adding a handful of greens to your morning smoothie, or be creative & sneak some raw spinach into a regular brownie recipe along with a dash of healthy spices like Turmeric, Cinnamon & Cardamom.