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As of 6/4/2024 we are converting ALL our Menu Options at the Top Menu Bar to Clinical Pages. We will be offerring an abundance of clinical information. Some of the Original Information on those pages will remain at the bottom of the page.

The article title above pertaining to superfoods that improve eyesight provides a good basis for me, Dr. Miller, to explain my terms “Plant-Based” and “Lab-Based” when referring to ingredients in our capsules. So, when the Health & Wellness Literature Publishes new data stating compounds / anti-oxidants such as Lutein, Zeaxanthin are healthy for the Eyes; this is misleading. It infers one should get supplements with Lutein and Zeaxanthin. The answer is partially true. However, many plant-based (Foods, Herbs, Spices, flowers, roots) compounds have these compounds in their makeup, in the natural form, which is highly absorbable and bioavailable to your body. It doesnt mean that taking the “Lab-Based” synthetic versions are not good, but simply that plant-based compounds, such as Moringa, Kale, Turmeric etc… some more than others, have these naturally. The same goes for Magnesium, B-Vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E etc… We at ROOT Cause Supplements formulate synergistic capsules to capture the best of both worlds. The Plant-Based ingredients in each capsule formula deliver anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant phytonutrients rich in highly bioavailable vitamins and minerals, while our added lab-based ingredients deliver high concentrations of vital vitamins and minerals to work synergistically in a formula with significant therapeutic value. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are not the ONLY ingredients healthy for the Eyes, as ALL the ingredients in our capsules are healthy for every tissue and Organ in the body. The are simply more specific to the Eyes. Also, lowering inflammation at the Gut Lining and Cell Membrane simultaneously, with the plant-based ingredients, allows maximal absorption and bioavailability of the added lab-based vitamins and minerals which are synthetic and hard for the body to utilize. We at ROOT Cause Supplements will be releasing a new capsule shortly which is plant-based, with added Lutein & Zeaxanthin for Eye Health. For reasons discussed in this paragraph, our line of capsules are healthy for ALL body tissues including the Eye, however, each capsule has its specificity, as will the new Eye Formula.


Pertaining to the above image, coffee has been well-known to lower overall cardiovascular risk for a future event, especially in Primary Prevention. Primary Prevention simply means you haven’t suffered any event prior, such as a heart attack or stroke, and you are taking action to prevent one. Secondary prevention implies, you have already suffered an incident, and now are taking action to prevent a second event, and also to possibly improve functional status after the first episode. This is the reason Aspirin has been held in much controversy over the past 5-10 years. Aspirin was always recommended for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, however, due to a shift in the risk / benefit analysis, individuals over 65 were noted to have a higher incidence of hemmorhagic stroke (10-15% of strokes, as the majority of strokes are thrombotic 85-90%) while on the aspirin for primary prevention. However, For example, if someone had a prior heart attack at the age of 58, being this person would be classified as taking the aspirin for secondary prevention, their risk benefit ratio would warrant taking aspirin for secondary prevention even when they are older than 65. Takeaway Curcumin / Turmeric and many other plant-based compounds having a much better risk / benefit analysis, with respect to Primary & Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease. Getting back to coffee, its not only about the caffeine which has a positive impact on our cardiometabolic health, however, many other anti-oxidant compounds which act as precursors for our body to utilize, to raise nitric oxide production (healthy for our vessels) and the anti-oxidant properties also positively impact our cholesterol profile, and we see a resultant healthier shift in our LDL / HDL ratio, along with our HDL / Triglyceride ratio. More importantly the anti-oxidants in coffee, just as there are anti-oxidants in fruits and vegetables, act as anti-inflammatory mediators on our cells and tissues. When we reference our cardiometabolic health, the primary area of concern is the inner endothelial lining of our arteries and veins. LOWERING INFLAMMATION INSIDE OUR ARTERIES AND VEINS, from the anti-oxidant / anti-inflammatory compounds in coffee and more so in Curcumin / Turmeric and other plant-based compounds addresses the ROOT CAUSE of Cardiovascular Disease, which is plaque build up inside our Arteries. The Image Below depicts the importance of recognizing that plaque is mostly soft and fibrous, not full of calcium. Therefore, a Calcium score alone, can’t predict a persons true cardiovascular risk.


The above image is to remind everyone that our skin health is determined by the health of the cells in the hypodermis, Dermis and epidermis. Lowering inflammation / oxidative stress in the dermis and hypodermis (deeper layers) is best accomplished through what we ingest, allowing our blood stream to deliver inflammation lowering compounds, anti-oxidants, micronutrients, and plant based anti-inflammatory compounds such as curcumin from turmeric and sulphorane from broccoli, and omega-3 from flax seeds etc… Topical ointments and creams are beneficial, however no need to break the bank with expensive serums etc… A natural moisturizer, of which there are many great products, along with maybe a natural vitamin c product is beneficial topically. However, for true healthy skin in appearance and preventing cancer and many other skin conditions; ingesting healthy anti-inflammatory compounds, from food sources and plant-based supplements, addresses the root cause of skin health. As you can see from the below diagram, the hypodermis and dermis make up 80% of our skin anatomy. These layers are poorly impacted by topical agents. Only the Epidermis and superficial 1/3 of the dermis are affected by topicals. Ingredients we ingest which are subsequently delivered to the deeper layers of the skin is what significantly impacts long term skin health. We recommend Curcu-Meric 975, Nutra-Hair 975, and either our Men’s or Woman’s formula. Taking 1 of each capsule in morning hours with a meal or snack or smoothie, and same in evening hours. Our Plant-Based anti-inflammatory formulas, are healthy for every organ and body-system as they all lower inflammation by each capsules unique formula. Lowering Whole-Body Inflammation is the most effective way to reduce cardiovascular disease, which remains the primary cause of morbidity and mortality.

Images will be posted weekly, and below each we will discuss briefly a medical / health topic related to the image. If you do not see the brief paragraph following the image, please check back in 7 days. Dr. Miller will post his medical / health inflammation related to that specific image .

USA is missing the Mark due to failure to address and execute preventative medicine to th fullest. We Over Test and screen for disease, however do nothing to prevent disease. However, after COVID

Back pain, spine pain, hip pain, knee pain etc.. any musculoskeletal pain is better handled long term by motility, and strengthening the muscles around the joints. Lowering your inflammation on a daily basis with plant-based supplements, is not only for pain relief, however, to decrease future deterioration of the joint cartilage from a chronic inflammatory response by the immune system. Lowering inflammation daily is also extremely therapeutic for every system and organ in the body. Lowering Inflammation daily with an active lifestyle, plant-based anti-inflammatory supplements, and an anti-inflammatory diet, significantly reduces the future risk of cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline and dementia, intestinal and colon disorders and carcinoma, and many other clinically proven enefits.

The Science Behind ROOT Cause Supplements

Dr. J. Miller D.O., FACOG

Our Immune System is very dynamic involving many areas of the body and many cells, with a diverse range of functions and activity. Our Immune Cells are trained to respond to areas of bodily injury and foreign compounds which become internalized, most commonly by our digestive system or respiratory system. The Immune system involves many different cell lines, and areas of the body, with early responding cells and late responders, and the production of antibodies. Immuno-Therapy has become mainstream for the treatment of many disorders, and The ROOT Cause of developing pathology is INFLAMMATION.

In the Initial phase of Injury, or response to exposure to a foreign agent, our Immune cells cause a healthy inflammatory response at the site of injury or exposure, and lessen the risk of infection, along with promoting a proper healing response, and attempts to destroy or wall off the foreign agent. However, in some instances the Immune Response can turn into a chronic response, promoting an unhealthy Inflammatory response, as in prolonged viral syndromes, or auto-immune disorders, resulting in Immune System Dysregulation.

When we discuss the unhealthy effects of chronic inflammation on our cells and tissues, the above references (Viral syndromes & Auto-Immune disorders), are 2 of many mechanisms, specifically related to our Immune System, contributing to our everyday cellular chronic inflammation (oxidative stress).

Our normal physiology and daily biochemical reactions produce a daily baseline load of free-radicals, and thus oxidative stress (chronic Inflammation), by a daily cascade of normal biochemical reactions required to run our body, causing the production of these free-radicals. This is another example of other Inflammation, not directly related to our Immune System.

Everyone has a different baseline load of oxidative stress (chronic Inflammation), depending on their environment, type of foods Ingested, genetics, medical conditions, smoking, alcohol use, emotional stress, workplace environment, and many other contributing factors.

Oxidative Stress on our Cells, Tissues & Organs = Chronic Inflammation = From production of free-radicals. Oxidative Stress is a biochemical stress, imposed upon our cells from free-radicals, not emotional stress. However, elevated emotional stress can cause increased Oxidative stress upon our cells.

A proven scientific fact is Energy cannot be created or destroyed, thus being the First Law of Thermodynamics. A specific, and basic example contributing to our Oxidative Stress would be: when our body uses food as a source for fuel, our body performs its biochemical reactions via extracting energy from the food, and the by-products of theses biochemical reactions yields molecules with one less electron – This is the free-radical; a molecule having one less electron, as the energy used to process your food, to be utilized as energy by your cells, is lost in these molecules, as energy cannot be created or destroyed; thus if energy is taken on one side of the equation, to be used as energy from the food we ingest, it must be lost on the other side of the equation, which is the molecule with one less electron, thus the free-radical.

It is these molecules with one unpaired electron (free-radicals), that act erratically, damaging nearby normal cells, creating a constant daily baseline load of oxidative stress (chronic Inflammation). We must suppress this oxidative stress significantly, on a daily basis, to keep a healthy environment on the cellular level; as this chronic inflammation, from these free-radicals, is what causes damage to our cells, tissues and organs, ultimately leading to illness in one form or another, and is also the ROOT Cause of Aging.

Ingesting Healthy and significant quantities of plant-based agents in our diet, and in the form of supplements, is the best way to combat this oxidative stress (chronic inflammation), caused by 2 Main Mechanisms: The Immune System and Free-Radicals.

The above example (processing our food) is 1 of Thousands of examples that create these biochemical reactions in our body to cause oxidative stress (chronic Inflammation). In the above example, we referenced how processing our food leads to biochemical reactions, which create free-radicals = oxidative stress = chronic inflammation. The production of free-radicals from eating our food is obviously a factor we cannot control. There are factors we cannot control and factors we can control that cause oxidative stress(chronic inflammation). Non-modifiable are factors we can’t control, and modifiable are factors we can control, that cause oxidative stress (chronic inflammation), inside our body on a cellular level.

We will use the following example to better understand our Baseline Level of Oxidative Stress (Chronic Inflammation). In medicine when we speak of a disorder, we use the terms modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors towards a certain disorder. Using High Cholesterol as an example, a non-modifiable risk factor would be Genetics, and the inheritance of a gene causing familial hypercholesterolemia. Modifiable risk factors on the other hand are things you can control / modify, such as: Diet & Exercise. In either situation, you still have high cholesterol, and it must be addressed.

One can only address the modifiable risk factors pertaining to the disease. However, we always need to address the oxidative stress, both our baseline oxidative stress, and the additional oxidative stress, as a result of the high cholesterol.

The baseline Oxidative Stress (chronic inflammation), free radical damage to our cells caused by everyday biochemical reactions which our body needs to carry out (non-modifiable risk factors towards oxidative stress), to function properly and perform daily roles such as processing of foods and eliminating waste. We all have Oxidative Stress which is OUR BASELINE (Non-Modifiable).

Once we acquire a disease or disorder, our oxidative stress increases over and above our Baseline, with the additional load of oxidative stress from the disease or disorder, and therefore, one must address their oxidative stress (chronic inflammation) more aggressively.

Some individuals fully understand the impact and science of oxidative stress on our cells, and treat their baseline chronic inflammation aggressively, even if they are in great health, as they are focusing on keeping their baseline oxidative stress (chronic inflammation) as low as possible, keeping their cellular functioning as optimal and efficiently as possible, by reducing the burden of free radicals on their cells. This is essentially the ROOT Cause of Preventative Medicine. We can be in good health, and still suffer a heart attack at the age of 68 for example. We all have a Baseline level of oxidative stress (chronic inflammation) which will manifest in our lives at one point or another. Our goal is to push that time as far down the road as possible and improve our quality of life.

The Impact of Oxidative Stress (chronic inflammation) on our cells is exponentially large, which is why no matter how aggressive we are with daily treatment, we will never beat it, and stop aging. However, to make a significant impact on our health, prevention of illness, and improvement of daily quality of life (less arthritis pain, etc.), we must be aggressive in lowering our chronic inflammation (oxidative stress).

Oxidation is a term we are familiar with, an example is when metal rusts. Anti-Inflammatory healthy compounds, and Anti-Oxidants, combat this free-radical cascade on our cells. Anti-Inflammatory / Anti-Oxidants (which are essentially one in the same) ingested daily, reduce the damage done by free-radicals, thus reducing chronic inflammation, allowing our cells to function more efficiently, allowing the inner lining of our arteries and veins to be protected from damage, and resulting arteriosclerosis.

We can discuss/mention how it does the same for other body systems, however, we mention the Cardiovascular system (arteriosclerosis), in the above paragraph, as damage to this system (Cardiovascular), over time is the #1 cause of morbidity and mortality. Thus, we should be diligent in our daily habits to prevent damage to our cardiovascular system. As a population we don’t take nearly enough action to reduce our future risk of cardiovascular disease. The ROOT Cause Being reducing Oxidative Stress (chronic Inflammation) on the inner lining of our arteries and veins.

Please note the Cardiovascular system is not only referring to the Heart. However, as the name implies our vessels to all body organs. Prevention of Stroke, Heart attack and the simple proper delivery of oxygen and nutrients to all our tissues, by maintaining a healthy environment on the inside of our arteries and veins, is crucial to proper and optimal cellular, and thus organ function.

Once again, cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of overall morbidity and mortality, and the only agent recommended over the years was / is, aspirin for prevention. Whether taking 1 baby aspirin daily, or 4 baby aspirin (full-strength aspirin), we are making a very small impact on our oxidative stress (chronic inflammation).

Aspirin is still recommended; however, newer studies reveal possible elevated risk of stroke in some individuals, therefore, it is less commonly recommended for primary prevention of Cardiovascular disease. Turmeric / Curcumin and other plant-based compounds, remain superior to aspirin in safety and efficacy, in significantly reducing cardiovascular disease, without elevated risk of stroke. Also, Turmeric / Curcumin, and other plant-based compounds, have a myriad of additional health benefits, not offered by aspirin. One most important is a healthy GI (Gastrointestinal) system, whereas aspirin is unhealthy for the GI mucosa.

Whether taking Aspirin, Turmeric / Curcumin, or most recently approved by the FDA, Colchicine; for Cardiovascular Prevention, and treatment after a cardiac event, each mechanism is the same between all 3 compounds; which is the reduction of inflammation (oxidative stress), and thus inhibiting plaque accumulating within the coronary arteries. The second mechanism shared by all 3 agents is the mild thinning of blood, improving blood flow (circulation).  Colchicine is a medication approved for 20 years to treat Inflammation related to Gout. It has most recently, in August 2023, been approved by the FDA, to lower inflammation for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Yes, the FDA recognizes that lowering inflammation is important to prevent cardiovascular disease.

When we speak of plaque accumulation in our arteries, yes, we are preventing plaque accumulation in ALL our arteries. Therefore, Why do we always reference the coronary arteries, and not other arteries? Several reasons: 1- other arteries are larger and take longer to accumulate plaque build up to significantly block blood flow. However, there are also arteries smaller than the coronary arteries such as those on the distal branches of our lungs and brain network of vessels, so why are we not discussing those? The Answer: 2- Coronary Arteries are the first set of arteries coming off the Aorta, as it exits the Left Ventricle of the Heart, Therefore, these arteries experience a high pressure / force of blood flow. You have Blood going from the largest artery in the body, the Aorta, with high force/pressure, into a medium sized artery, the coronary arteries, which feed blood to the wall / muscle of the heart. This high force/pressure creates a turbulent shear force on the inner lining of the coronary arteries. This constant shear force damages the endothelial surface of the coronary arteries, quicker than other arteries. The area of damage then elicits a chronic inflammatory process, partially by the immune system as it attempts to repair the area, and partially by normal oxidative stress. This area then becomes more prone to oxidative stress, with an increasing number of risk factors, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes etc.

Just as the Renal arteries feed the kidneys, the Coronary arteries feed the heart. Blockage of any artery will cause the tissue / organ to stop working , or work suboptimal, from necrosis of that tissue. For reasons discussed above, as the Renal arteries are larger, exit the Aorta much further down, with much less pressure and shear force, and thus less risk of damage. This is why we focus on the coronary arteries with respect to cardiovascular disease, and plaque accumulation. They are most vulnerable to damage, and when damaged they cause lack of blood flow to the most important organ for survival, The Heart. However, taking Anti-Inflammatory / Anti-Oxidant agents, improves the inner lining of ALL your arteries.

The ROOT Cause of arteriosclerosis Is Chronic Inflammation (Oxidative Stress). We will all accumulate plaque inside our arteries, some more rapidly than others. Those with genetic risk factors, diabetes, hypertension, significantly elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, Auto-Immune Disorders, Environmental Pollutants, smoking, and many other risk factors, will have an accelerated process; thus, the reason why some individuals have a heart attack or a stroke, and others don’t. Thus, the reason why diabetics, individuals with hypertension, elevated cholesterol, excess emotional stress, Auto-Immune disorders (RA, Lupu, UC, MS etc.), and many other conditions, have accelerated problems with bodily organs such as The Heart, Brain, Intestines, Colon, Liver & Kidneys. These individuals have an accelerated amount of oxidative stress (chronic inflammation), above and beyond our baseline, with our baseline stemming from our regular routine biochemical reactions required by our body, to carry out normal daily functioning.

As discussed previously, we all have our baseline level of oxidative stress (chronic inflammation) from our normal bodily functions and resultant biochemical reactions, which are necessary to carry out these normal bodily functions. However, those with Diabetes for example, have a significantly higher burden of oxidative stress upon their cells, tissues, and organs daily. Therefore, it becomes equally important to address this chronic inflammation, as it is to control blood sugars. There are thousands of disorders which contribute to our cellular burden of oxidative stress (chronic inflammation); however, diabetes is very common, and is also very high on the list, as Diabetes is one of the disorders contributing to our burden of chronic inflammation (oxidative stress) significantly above our baseline, and thus leading to many health-related complications.

With Diabetes, the inability to control your blood sugars is the primary event, however, The ROOT Cause of why diabetics have a much higher degree of Heart attacks, Strokes, and lower extremity amputations, stems from the resultant oxidative stress (chronic inflammation), from the accelerated rate of endothelial cell damage (arteriosclerosis) on the inner lining of arteries. Specifically, the Coronary Arteries with respect to heart attacks, Cerebral circulation with respect to strokes, and lower extremity arteries (circulation) with respect to amputations. Not only is it critical to keep our vessels open to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and poor lower extremity circulation; however, the better your circulation, the more oxygen, nutrients, and minerals you deliver to your cells and tissues; thus, the more optimal they will function, the less they need to compensate over time, and the lower the chance of malfunction over time.

Think of compensation with respect to the functioning of an automobile. If an automobile is maintained well, it will function better and break down less. The more detailed you are about maintaining it, the better it will function, and the less it will compensate and break down over time. Now, there are different levels of maintenance, therefore, if you just change the oil regularly for the first 5 years, and just address baseline maintenance you will have quicker problems with your tires by not rotating them, you will have your brakes eat into your metal disk by not changing them etc.. Just changing the oil is comparable to just trying to control your blood sugars with diabetes, and not addressing other maintenance issues comparable to lowering your chronic inflammation (oxidative stress).

Therefore, by just focusing on Blood Sugar Levels with respect to Diabetes, you are comparably just changing the oil every 5 years, and not addressing other important matters such as the significantly elevated oxidative stress (chronic inflammation) above baseline, due to the diabetes, which is impacting your cells. Therefore, as we mentioned earlier, it is equally important to address all areas of maintenance for the best long-term outcome and prevention of complications. Turmeric / Curcumin, and many other Plant-Based Compounds address both issues simultaneously – Controlling Blood Sugars & equally as important, Lowering Inflammation, as do many plant-based compounds. This does not mean you should stop your diabetic medications. That weaning process is a discussion for another time. Rather, ROOT Cause Supplements, starting with Curcu-Meric 975 mg, perfectly complement your diabetic, blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, and other medications. Individuals on blood thinners are instructed to take lower doses of Curcu-Meric 975mg , on a case-by-case basis. Please feel free to email: with any questions.

If you have no medical problems, and are in great physical health, you still have a baseline level of oxidative stress (chronic inflammation) bombarding your cells daily, which needs to be addressed. This is the most significant factor contributing to our aging. Over time this will catch up with your cells, tissues, and organs; much less quickly than if you had diabetes, however, for proper maintenance and prevention of disease it needs to be addressed daily.

You may ask the question: If 2 individuals have the same everything: diet, exercise routine, weight etc.. why do they age differently and develop different complications (i.e. Heart attack, stroke etc.), and why do some develop them at a younger age and others an older age. The answer is: Their baseline level of oxidative stress (chronic inflammation) is different. Their non-modifiable risk factors are different. Many factors as mentioned earlier contribute towards your baseline level of oxidative stress (chronic inflammation); those being genetics, workplace environment, natural outside environment (level of pollution), how you handle emotional and psychological stress, eating and exercise habits (even though we mentioned these 2 hypothetical individuals both have the same diet and exercise) there still will be variability contributing to how well they maintain their baseline level of oxidative stress (chronic inflammation). Some Risk factors are in the middle, semi-modifiable, such as Air Quality (Pollution) & Work Place environment or lifestyle. We will all be exposed to both inevitably, as we need to breathe and we need to work/ function in society, contributing to our oxidative stress (chronic Inflammation), to one degree or another; however, we can choose to make changes by moving to a healthier environment or a healthier job / workplace. Thus, these are examples of semi-modifiable risk factors to long term oxidative stress (chronic inflammation), and future health, as we can make choices to lessen the burden in those areas.

The example pertaining to diabetes can be applied to many thousands of disorders, however, even more severe than just diabetes alone would be Metabolic Syndrome, involving an individual with Glucose Imbalance / Diabetes, elevated cholesterol, increased abdominal fat & high blood pressure. If you are afflicted with 3-4 of these conditions, this is referenced as Metabolic Syndrome, which significantly increases adverse health consequences. Once again, we see The ROOT Cause of adverse health sequelae stems from endothelial cell dysfunction inside the arteries, and the cells that make up the tissue or organ itself, from oxidative stress (chronic inflammation), from an accelerated rate of free-radical damage, resulting in accelerated rate of heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure and amputations; essentially affecting every organ and body system.

We would like to clarify something, the endothelial cells on the inner surface of your arteries and veins are not the ONLY cells affected by oxidative stress (chronic inflammation), as ALL cells are affected (cells that make up the tissue or organ itself). However, damage to the inner lining of your blood vessels will manifest symptoms initially / quicker in majority of cases, and with more severe health problems, which is why cardiovascular health remains our area of focus, and the first area we use as an example.

It is obviously important to keep Blood Pressure controlled, cholesterol at an acceptable level, blood sugar balanced, and weight control addressed. However, this is only half the battle, as it’s equally important to lower your oxidative stress (chronic inflammation) daily. Our Capsules are designed to Control Blood Sugars, Lower Blood Pressure, Lower Cholesterol, Manage Auto-Immune disorders, and address the primary problem, as well as lower whole-body inflammation (oxidative stress). Once again, traditional mainstream medicine is useful and necessary to address your medical problems. Pairing Traditional Medications, with healthy, all-natural compounds to lower your whole-body inflammation (oxidative stress) is extremely important, valuable, and safe. Over time, can traditional medications be lessened with gradual loss of weight, and control over the medical condition? Absolutely, however extremely slowly, and on a case-by -case basis.

We used the example above of Metabolic Syndrome, as that is one of the most detrimental to your health, however, if you are afflicted with only Hypertension, or only a thyroid problem, this still places your baseline load of oxidative stress above a normal level of oxidative stress (chronic Inflammation).

Supplementing your Cells, Tissues and Organs with Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes & Co-Factors is important, however, what is more important, is to lower your Chronic Inflammation (Oxidative Stress), 1- ON A DAILY BASIS &, 2- TO A SIGNIFICANT DEGREE. Treating the underlying condition and lowering oxidative stress go hand-in-hand, feeding off one another in a vicious cycle of improvement.

A Healthy diet and exercise are important, however, the degree of oxidative stress our body encounters daily is a very large burden. Oxidative Stress is the primary driving force that causes Aging, Disease, and poor quality of life. Ingesting an anti-inflammatory / anti-oxidant rich diet is great, however, is not sufficient to significantly impact our daily load of free-radicals bombarding our tissues. Especially if we factor in disease and illness, which significantly raises the level of oxidative stress above baseline, as with the above examples.

Anti-Oxidants Combat the Oxidative Stress our cells encounter on a daily basis. Thus, the main reason why Fruits and Vegetables are healthy for us. They contain hundreds/thousands of anti-oxidants which combat our oxidative stress. In the past 10-20-30 years our bodies and cells have been bombarded with increasing amounts of Oxidative Stress, due to evolving unhealthy environmental factors, food toxin factors, workplace factors, emotional and psycho-social stress factors, etc.., thus the reason for Immune System Dysregulation, and the rising incidence of Auto-Immune Disorders, Cardiovascular disease, and Endocrine system Dysfunction (i.e. Diabetes etc.). It’s impossible to obtain sufficient levels of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory agents on a daily basis, even when eating a healthy well-rounded diet. Supplementing with Organic Plant-Based Botanical Formulas, without any added fillers or preservatives is crucial.

Why are Plant-Based compounds such as Turmeric / Moringa / Ginger etc., more Therapeutic as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agents, compared to synthetic anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C / Vitamin E etc.? 

Taking supplements with synthetic anti-oxidants helps, however, the fact that they are synthetic creates a double edge sword. The best example would be Vitamin C. We do not produce Vitamin C in our body naturally and depend upon external sources. Ingesting Vitamin C in fruits, vegetables, juices etc. is great for purity and maximal absorption by our Gut. Anything we eat or drink gets broken down for our Gut lining to properly absorb. The more natural the source of the agent presented to our Gut lining cells, the easier and more efficiently these cells can absorb these nutrients, minerals, proteins etc.

Therefore, a synthetic Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is healthy to take as a supplement to your dietary vitamin C intake; However, being synthetic and not from a natural source, there is a lower rate of absorption (from your gut, and delivered to your bloodstream), along with a lower ability to be utilized by your tissues (bioavailability). Also, the synthetic nature of Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, will cause the gut to elicit a small immune response, and a histamine response, causing minimal increase in  inflammation (oxidative stress). Same with respect to any fillers / preservatives included in the capsule / pill. The gut lining cells will manifest a small inflammatory response against these synthetic agents, as it recognizes them as foreign agents.

This is a perfect analogy of how Immuno-Therapy is currently used to treat Cancer. Immuno-Therapy has become a mainstay in treating cancer along with Chemotherapy. The Immune System is utilized by Immuno-Therapy to recognize the cancer cells as foreign, stimulating specific parts of the Immune System to attack the cancer cells, and / or inhibit the growth of the aberrant cells.

We are not stating Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, as an anti-oxidant is not healthy for you as a supplement, however, one is not significantly lowering their oxidative stress to a level that will make a significant clinical impact, with a few thousand milligrams of Vitamin C daily.

Taking a Capsule or tablet of Vitamin C or Vitamin E as an anti-oxidant is ok, however, will never address the burden of free-radicals, causing oxidative stress on our tissues. The chronic inflammation caused by this process needs to be addressed by compounds which not only decrease oxidative stress (anti-oxidants), however, also have a therapeutic healthy anti-inflammatory response, and contain highly absorbable vitamins and minerals to optimize the internal workings of the cell, such as, the mitochondria, nucleus, ribosomes, Golgi Apparatus, cell membrane etc.

The other issue is vitamins such as vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid are synthetic, and the body recognizes these agents as foreign. Thus, yes there is a small degree of anti-oxidant potential and benefit from taking vitamin C, however, the foreign nature of ascorbic acid causes an abnormal immune response and thus contributes to chronic inflammation.  Thus, Vitamin C and other synthetic vitamins have a small degree of anti-oxidant potential, however, nothing near the potential of Turmeric / Curcumin and other plant-based compounds. Also, instead of acting as an anti-oxidant / anti-inflammatory dual agent like Turmeric / Curcumin, vitamin C causes an increase in the inflammatory response of the immune system as it is recognized as a foreign synthetic agent. Thus, Vitamin C has an anti-oxidant property, however this is partially negated by the Pro-Inflammatory Immune Response.

We want no misunderstanding in using Vitamin C as an example. Anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A Supplements, are healthy to ingest, and are beneficial, however, do not address the anti-inflammatory problems, and thus oxidative stress encountered by our cells on a daily basis, as well as a natural plant-based compounds, especially for prevention of cardiovascular disease. This can be applied to all synthetic based vitamins and not just Vitamins C, E. A.

There are many other examples such as NAD, MSM etc., which are synthetic compounds, more so than Vitamin C as ascorbic acid, which have a double edge sword to them. Beneficial in one aspect, however counter-effective in another.

Since we used Vitamin C as an example, it would be appropriate to mention we do use vitamin C as a blend 50/50 Ascorbic Acid and Acerola Cherry in some of our capsule formulas. With our capsules containing several plant-based ingredients in one capsule, and many ingredients between all 10 of our capsules, you receive maximum benefits from synergy with the other ingredients. Also, other plant-based compounds have small amounts of highly absorbable natural vitamin c.


Why choose ROOT Cause Supplements?

Lower Whole-Body Inflammation

Optimize The Cell

Optimize The Immune System

Lower Future Risk of Cardiovascular Disease –

#1 Cause of morbidity / mortality & decreased quality of life

  1. ROOT Cause Supplements are Plant-Based, and therefore, contain the most absorbable forms of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, besides being extremely therapeutic in Lowering Whole-Body Inflammation & Oxidative Stress (chronic inflammation), via the high level of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.
  2. No matter how pure or strong a capsule is, one needs to ingest sufficient quantities to make a significant impact on their health. Our capsules are safe and effective, as they contain no fillers, preservatives, or anti-caking agents, creating no downside to higher dosing with our supplements.  
  3. Our supplements include a synergistic formula of plant-based anti-inflammatory / anti-oxidant compounds, many of which are not ingested on a regular basis in our daily diet, or are ingested, however, not of sufficient quantities for the desired therapeutic effect. Plant-Based compounds such as Turmeric, Moringa, Ginger, Clove, Spirulina etc., are not synthetic, and provide highly absorbable vitamins and minerals, besides significantly lowering your Inflammation & Oxidative Stress, with therapeutic & clinical results; (lower cholesterol, less auto-immune flares, controlling blood sugars, reducing symptoms of neuropathy, reducing joint pain etc.)
  4. All Plant-Based ingredients in ROOT Cause Supplements are organic, with an abundance of All-Natural highly absorbable vitamins & minerals, without fillers or preservatives. Therefore, An Individual can take higher doses of our supplements, yielding therapeutic clinical benefits in Auto-Immune and other disorders with a high burden of Oxidative stress. Higher dosing is also necessary for plant-based chemo-prevention of carcinoma, as is well documented in the literature.
  5. Plant-Based Ingredients All contribute towards lowering your oxidative stress (chronic Inflammation). All plant-based foods, roots, flowers, barks & spices (and the newer term being used, adaptogens), lower whole-body inflammation by differing mechanisms and degrees.  Some lowering Inflammation more than others, with Turmeric / Curcumin high on the list. However, others such as Moringa & Ginger contribute significantly towards lowering your inflammation in synergy with Turmeric / Curcumin. The other important factor to mention, even though Moringa & Ginger may have less of an anti-inflammatory / anti-oxidant effect in lowering chronic inflammation (oxidative stress); they lower it by differing mechanisms, and provide a different variety of natural vitamins and minerals compared to our reference agents Turmeric / Curcumin. Addressing different mechanisms in lowering inflammation is very important from a clinical perspective, and yields synergistic results when combined with Turmeric / Curcumin. Thus, The reason we recommend pairing 1 or 2 of our other capsules produced at ROOT Cause Supplements, with our Flagship Turmeric / Curcumin Capsule:  Curcu-Meric 975 mgTM
  6. Each Capsule has its own unique synergistic pure therapeutic formula. Synergy is when 2+2=6. The sum results of the total, is greater than the individual components separately. Synergy exists between the ingredients within each capsule, and between all 10 capsules in production.
  7. We follow a No Compromise Policy in sourcing our Raw Ingredients at ROOT Cause Supplements, Fort Lauderdale, FL. We fully guarantee the purity and results of our capsules. If after 3-6 months of using our capsules daily with food or a snack, you do not feel you received any benefits, we will fully provide a refund for your purchases. Obviously, some benefits may take longer to experience results. For Example:


We currently produce 10 Capsules at our Lab in Davie, FL

Hopefully we provided a comprehensive explanation & understanding of the importance of Plant-Based Supplements, containing no fillers or preservatives, with respect to Maximum Absorption & Bioavailability, Lowering Whole-Body Inflammation, Optimizing the Immune System, Preventing Cardiovascular disease & Lessening the Burden of Chronic Inflammation on ALL cells, endothelial (inner lining of arteries & veins), and cells making up the remainder of our tissues and organs.

Any questions may be emailed to:   –  Feel free to ask any health / medical related questions, along with any questions about our supplements.

Our Recommendations on how to take our supplements are strictly related to Therapeutic Results, Prevention of illness & disease, achieving your health goals, and not from a sales perspective. We recommend starting on our Curcu-Meric 975mg Capsule, then pairing 1,2 or 3 of our other capsules with the Curcu-Meric 975mg capsule, the reasoning is based upon achieving significant short and long-term health benefits, improved quality of life, and prevention of disease.

All Capsules Work together with unique synergistic Plant-Based Formulas, Lowering Inflammation by different mechanisms, and providing different vitamins, minerals, co-factors, nutrients & adaptogens for a Comprehensive Regimen.

Taking 2-4 Curcu-Meric 975mg Capsules daily is a perfect starting point. However, if you have significant medical conditions causing elevated oxidative stress (chronic Inflammation) above baseline, it would be recommended to pair 1,2 or 3 other capsules with the Curcu-Meric 975mg Capsule.

There are many benefits to bundling the capsules together, and if you visit the SHOP page on our website through any of the following domains, all leading to the same website: ROOT Cause Supplements-   

On the SHOP page of the website be sure to scroll through ALL pages, and tap on the products or product bundles to read the full explanations, along with recommended dosing regimens.


How did I, Dr. Miller, ROOT Cause Supplements, become interested in researching Inflammation?

How is Inflammation Connected to the Immune System?

Why did we include -Mmune in the name of several of our capsules?

In my studies and research, I was intrigued at the rising prevalence in auto-immune disorders over the past 20 years. I was also intrigued by the simple answer involved in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, via reducing whole-body inflammation; along with the lack of education, and of Pure, Plant-based supplements available, which are: non-synthetic, Pure Formulas, no fillers / preservatives, at affordable pricing, focused on this central area of our health.  Also, in the literature, every disorder is somehow tied to oxidative stress (chronic inflammation) on the cellular level.

Over the Past 10 years we have seen a significant increase in Biologics used to treat many Health-Related Disorders, especially Auto-Immune Related disorders such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Ulcerative Colitis (UC).

Biologics are a subset of a class of medications called disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Nonbiologic, or conventional, DMARDs, such as methotrexate, are drugs composed of small molecules made from chemicals in a lab. Biologics are large molecules produced in living cells. Both help protect against the effects of inflammation, but in different ways.

Conventional DMARDs suppress the overall immune system, whereas biologics block specific parts of the immune system, such as proteins that promote inflammation. Biologics are more complex and harder to make than conventional DMARDs and cost much more. And unlike small-molecule drugs, they don’t come in pill form. Some are in the form of a self-injection using a prefilled vial and autoinjector. Others are given by intravenous (IV) infusion in a doctor’s office or clinic.

Many people never need biologic DMARDs because conventional DMARDs control their disease well. The American College of Rheumatology recommends methotrexate over a biologic as the first choice for most people with inflammatory autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. If methotrexate or another conventional DMARD isn’t effective, your doctor may switch you to a biologic or a biosimilar, a drug nearly identical to a biologic. Steroids in the form of Prednisone, are also used to suppress the Immune Systems Inflammatory Response, alone or together with Biologics.

Biologics Suppress the Immune System Inflammatory Response, However, does not suppress oxidative stress (chronic inflammation) on a cellular level; Oxidative Stress (chronic inflammation) from both, the auto-immune disorder, and  your baseline oxidative stress (chronic Inflammation), is very important to address, whether receiving Biologics or not.

Biologics have certainly shown some benefit; however, the downside is they suppress the Immune System. Instead of correcting the Immune System Dysregulation, and Optimizing the Immune System, they suppress the Immune System, thus causing other risks and side effects such as Serious Infection, possibly other Auto-Immune disorders, certain Blood based disorders such as lymphoma, leukemia, or myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Despite some draw backs, due to suppressing the immune system, Biologics have their role in medicine, however, they need to be used with caution.

This is why our term -Mmune, is used in the Names of some of our specific capsules. To remind our clients / customers ALL our capsules Optimize The Immune System, via suppressing Inflammation, not only Curcu-Meric.  ALL Capsules Produced at ROOT Cause Supplements, Suppress Inflammation, and Optimize The Immune System.  Instead of suppressing the Immune System, as Biologics use this mechanism to Lower your Inflammation. Our Capsules Optimize The Immune System, by correcting Immune System Dysregulation, and / or over-stimulation.

Our Immune System naturally reacts to ALL inflammation in our body as it is meant to perform. Therefore, Via significantly Lowering Inflammation (Oxidative Stress) on a daily basis, with our supplements, starting with our Flagship Capsule, Curcu-Meric 975mg, we lessen the response of our Immune System to “nonsense” irrelevant inflammation, and thus allow the Immune System to perform the important functions it was meant to perform. Thus, our capsules suppress inflammation (oxidative stress), they suppress the excess burden of inflammation on our cells and tissues, and Optimize the Immune system, thus the term -Mmune. To complete the full line of maintenance, ROOT Cause Supplements, also provide our cells with highly bioavailable Plant-based vitamins, minerals, and co-factors, allowing optimal cellular function and efficiency, with less compensation, and less room for error.


A-Fib – Atrial Fibrillation – Is a condition with several causes, Hypertension and Heart Valvular Problems are high on the list of causes. Chronic Inflammation is also on the differential list of causes. When the 2 Atria, the top 2 chambers of your heart beat irregularly it places you at increased risk of Blood Clots forming in the atria due to stagnant blood flow. These clots can develop and release from the Right Atrium and travel to the Pulmonary arteries and cause small or large pulmonary emboli. Or develop and release from Left Atrium and travel to the aorta, and go to the brain, causing a small or large stroke, or through the lower aorta and rest of your body causing problems in lower extremities and possibly the kidneys. Usually patients are placed on certain cardiac meds along with blood thinners.

Why is Curcumin / Turmeric


Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have a 1.74-fold increased risk for Parkinson’s disease

Key takeaways:

  • Patients with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis were at a higher risk to develop Parkinson’s, researchers said.
  • The researchers concluded that physicians who care for patients with RA should be aware of this elevated risk.

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis demonstrate a nearly 1.5-fold increased risk for developing Parkinson’s disease vs. those without RA, according to data published in JAMA Neurology.

“The pathogenesis of Parkinson disease (PD) has been largely elusive, except for a small fraction of cases caused by rare genetic variants,” Jihun Kang, MD, PhD, of the Kosin University College of Medicine, in Busan, South Korea, and colleagues wrote. “Multiple lines of clinical and experimental evidence have suggested that autoimmunity is involved in the activation of microglia and monocytes that play a central role in the initiation and amplification of brain inflammation.”

Inflammation and Immune system dysregulation continues to be recognized as the root cause (initiating factor) in majority of Disease, as is now recognized with Parkinsons Disease


Endo Announces Approval of XCOPRI™ (cenobamate tablets) in Canada

JUNE 29, 2023


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DUBLIN and MONTREAL, June 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Endo International plc (OTC: ENDPQ) announced today that Paladin Labs Inc., an Endo operating company, received Health Canada’s approval of XCOPRI (cenobamate tablets) for adjunctive therapy in the management of partial-onset seizures in adults with epilepsy who are not satisfactorily controlled with conventional therapy.

(PRNewsfoto/Endo International plc)


“Many adults with partial-onset seizures are not able to control their seizures, even with the availability of many anti-seizure medications,” said Livio Di Francesco, Vice President & General Manager of Paladin Labs Inc. “Paladin is dedicated to addressing unmet medical needs, and we are proud to achieve this approval—a milestone in epilepsy treatment.”

Paladin Labs is working collaboratively with the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) and the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) to ensure appropriate patients have access to XCOPRI.

Paladin Labs expects to launch XCOPRI in December 2023.


We at ROOT Cause Supplements, Fort Lauderdale, FL,  strive to produce the cleanest, purest, plant-based supplements to lower-whole body inflammation, and optimize cellular health. Our Line of Synergistic Capsules offer benefits to all body systems, starting with our Curcu-Meric 975mg Capsule.

There are many therapeutic supplement brands, with high quality products, and others with products which are over-priced, and contain many fillers, additives, preservatives, and anti-caking agents in production.

No matter how pure and strong a capsule is, customers are not educated enough in the supplement industry that taking 2-4 of a supplement is better than 1-2. The difficulty with the current climate in the supplement industry is:  1- Pricing (taking 2-4 can be costly)    2- additional ingredients in the capsules are not healthy at higher doses (fillers, additives, preservatives, and anti-caking agents).

We at ROOT Cause Supplements, educate our clients / customers on the short-term and long-term benefits of taking 2-4 of our capsules per day. Despite some of our capsule formulas being more specific for certain body systems, they all have therapeutic anti-inflammatory properties, with our most therapeutic anti-inflammatory being Curcu-Meric 975mg. Lowering Inflammation daily is critical for the health and well-being of all body systems.

To achieve maximal results, our supplements contain Organic Plant-Based ingredients, combined with pure high-grade vitamins, minerals & adaptogens; without any fillers, additives, preservatives, and anti-caking agents; at extremely fair pricing, to ensure our clients / customers have no barriers to taking enough supplements daily, to feel and see true life-changing therapeutic results. Improving Quality of life, Blood Laboratory Results, Cholesterol Levels, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, Bone Density, Neurological and Psychological Well-Being, Prostate Conditions, Hormone Imbalance Problems, Pain from Arthritis-Muscle-Joint-Nerve Conditions, and more.

 Lowering Whole-Body Inflammation is much more than simply reducing external symptomatic pain, as it addresses the ROOT Cause, of internal health concerns.

As we slowly expand our line of supplements, we pair our products together for several reasons: 1- When it comes to lowering whole-body Inflammation to a significant degree, we like to combine other plant-based ingredients (which all have their own unique mechanism of lowering Inflammation), with our Curcu-Meric 975mg Capsule for maximal effect. 2- Starting with our Curcu-Meric 975mg capsule, which is universal for all body systems, our other capsules are more specific for certain body systems, despite there being much overlap. An example of overlap would be, the Gluco-Mmune 975mg capsule not only helps regulate blood-sugars, however, is also healthy for your cardiovascular system, and also to lower inflammation. Another example of overlap would be: Metabolism is positively affected by Curcu-Meric, Gluco-Mmune, Neuro-Mmune, and several other capsules, via each capsule’s own unique mechanism.

Lastly, for us to fully achieve our goals at ROOT Cause Supplements, we want to provide our customers with extremely therapeutic combinations of supplements working synergistically together to address specific health concerns. Why Bundles? No matter how pure a capsule is, there is only so much ingredient that can fit and be included in one capsule; therefore, combing several capsules with different ingredients creates a synergistic effect (ex. 2+2=6). Therefore, we carefully selected other companies we source products from, to pair with our capsules to achieve specific Therapeutic Results for specific conditions, and specific body systems.

Your starting point is to click on SHOP page of our menu bar on front page to decide which products / Bundles you feel best fit your needs from our , then consider emailing us to inquire what other products we recommend for your Health Concerns. Everyone is different; therefore, the below bundles vary greatly between each Individual. One individuals Cardiovascular Bundle can include different items than another. However, we almost always start with Curcu-Meric 975mg.

The Following are examples of bundles we create for specific Health Concerns:

Cardiovascular Bundles

Neuro-Brain Health Bundles

GI Tract Health Bundles

Osteoporosis Bundles

Anemia Bundles

Arthritis Bundles

Thyroid Health Bundles

Glucose Control Bundles

Cholesterol Lowering Bundle

Metabolism Boosting Bundles

Auto-Immune Disorder Bundles

Circulatory Problem Bundles

Women’s Health Bundles

Men’s Health Bundles

With our Products at ROOT Cause Supplements, priced extremely fair for the high quality, along with us extending wholesale pricing from products used from companies below, we accomplish our goal of yielding maximal wellness results, at lowest pricing.

We recommend you begin with one of our options on our SHOP Page of the website, then email us your Health goals / problems at:,  and we will email you back what we recommend you add to our products for your next purchase. We will email you the Bundle we recommend after reviewing your health conditions and providing feedback. Remember with our pricing at ROOT Cause Supplements extremely fair, and wholesale pricing from the below companies extended to our customers, our customers receive superior therapeutic unmatched results and pricing.

An example of one type of Cardiovascular Bundle would be: Curcu-Meric 975mg, Gluco-Mmune 975mg PLUS Omega-3 from Life Extension and CoEnzyme Q10 from Thorne – and we will instruct how to take those 4 capsules.

Life Extension –

Thorne –

Natures Plus –

Seeking Health –

Pure Encapsulations –

Mary Ruths –

Nordic Naturals –

Garden of Life –

Vibrant Health –

Biotics Research –

Nutrafol –

Allergy Research Group-

Optimox –

Dr. Mercola Products –

Gaia Pro Supplements –

Solaray Supplements

Metagenics –

EltaMD –

Viviscal Pro –

Murad –

GreenRoads CBD –


‘Impressive’ Results for Intranasal Ketamine in Chronic, Refractory Migraine


Clinical consequences of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in antiphospholipid (aPL)-positive women – High risk for venous and arterial blood clots

Emerging Therapeutic Opportunities for Menopausal Women with Autoimmune Disease


Non-estrogen treatments for hot flashes are effective for many people. None work as well as estrogen, but they are better than no treatment. Some people only have mild hot flashes and do not need treatment. For those who do, options include:

Antidepressants — Antidepressant medications are recommended as a first-line treatment for hot flashes in people who cannot take estrogen.

SSRIs – The selective serotonin receptor inhibitors (SSRIs) are the class of antidepressants used most commonly for treating hot flashes. A form of paroxetine (sample brand name: Brisdelle) is an SSRI and is the only nonhormonal therapy that is specifically approved for hot flashes in the United States. This medication has been used for many years for treating depression, but can be taken at a lower dose for hot flashes.

Although not approved for this use, other SSRIs such as citalopram (brand name: Celexa), and escitalopram (brand name: Lexapro) relieve hot flashes to similar degrees as is seen with paroxetine.  (Off Label use is very common)

People with breast cancer who are taking a drug called tamoxifen should not take paroxetine, as it can interfere with tamoxifen.

Other antidepressants – Antidepressants that are similar to SSRIs such as venlafaxine (brand name: Effexor) and desvenlafaxine (brand name: Pristiq) also reduce hot flashes- These have yielded significant results for my prior patients (Dr. Joseph Miller)

Fluoxetine (brand name: Prozac) and sertraline (brand name: Zoloft) do not work as well as the other antidepressants listed.

Gabapentin — Gabapentin (sample brand name: Neurontin) is a medication that was developed to treat seizures. It also relieves hot flashes in some people. It may be taken as a single bedtime dose (if hot flashes are most bothersome at night) or can also be taken during the daytime.

Oxybutynin — Oxybutynin is a drug that is usually used to treat overactive bladder and urinary incontinence. It also has been demonstrated to be effective for treating hot flashes. The most bothersome side effect is dry mouth.

Progesterone — The injectable progestin birth control hormone medroxyprogesterone acetate (brand name: Depo-Provera) helps to reduce hot flashes about as well as estrogen; however, it is not commonly used due to side effects such as irregular vaginal bleeding, acne, headache, and depression.

Plant-derived estrogens (phytoestrogens) — Plant-derived estrogens have been marketed as a “natural” or “safer” alternative to hormones for relieving menopausal symptoms. Phytoestrogens are found in many foods, including soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, flaxseed, lentils, grains, fruits, vegetables, and red clover. Supplements containing isoflavone, a type of phytoestrogen, can be purchased in health food stores.

During the reproductive years, the ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is important for normal menstrual periods and fertility, and it promotes bone strength. Estrogen and progesterone levels fall at the time of menopause (when monthly periods stop); this is what causes symptoms such as hot flashes.

“Menopausal hormone therapy” (MHT) is the term used to describe the two hormones (estrogen and progesterone) that are often given as a treatment to relieve menopausal symptoms. For people whose uterus has been removed (ie, who have had a hysterectomy), estrogen alone can be given. For others, both estrogen and progesterone are given. Experts recommend natural progesterone; synthetic forms are also available. Estrogen is the most effective treatment available to relieve bothersome symptoms of menopause. However, some people cannot take estrogen; for example, those with breast cancer. Other people choose not to take hormone therapy. Fortunately, there are some alternatives to hormone therapy to treat menopausal symptoms. Although they may not be as effective as estrogen, they do provide some relief.

The evidence-based position statement presents several recommendations for nonhormone therapy treatment for women who experience hot flashes:

  • cognitive behavioral therapy;
  • clinical hypnosis;
  • weight loss;
  • stellate ganglion blockade;
  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors/serotonin-norepinephrine uptake inhibitors;
  • gabapentin;
  • oxybutynin; and
  • fezolinetant (Veozah, Astellas).


The immunologists describe recent studies in which patients with autoimmune rheumatic disease given the influenza vaccine (without aluminum) suffered more joint pain and fever than controls and whose levels of autoantibodies (the drones that attack self) increased after receiving the flu vaccine.

The above statement refers to receiving vaccines when an individual is already suffering from an auto-immune disorder such as RA- Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is important to recognize that many auto-immune disorders may appear specific for certain tissues and organs, however, these auto-antibodies can attack other organs. In the case of Rheumatoid arthritis for example they can attack heart tissue and cause a myocarditis and thus low heart function due to fibrosis of the connective tissue in the heart muscle.

Swollen and painful joints aren’t the only things you need to worry about when you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA). People with RA are almost twice as likely to develop heart disease as those without the condition. Having RA makes you more likely to experience a serious cardiovascular event like a heart attack or stroke.

But just because your joints are inflamed, that doesn’t mean you’re destined to have heart troubles. With the right screening and preventive measures, you can keep your heart and blood vessels healthy.

RA and Heart Disease: What’s Behind the Connection?

Two factors come together to increase your risk: chronic inflammation and shared risk factors.
Inflammatory substances called cytokines fuel joint destruction in RA and blood vessel damage in cardivascular disease (CVD). Inflammation causes plaque build-up in the arteries, which slowly narrows blood vessels and blocks blood flow, and is the main cause of heart attack and stroke.

The other reason people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are more likely to develop heart disease is shared risk factors like these: 

High blood pressure — A number of factors increase blood pressure in people with RA, including a lack of exercise and drugs used to treat the disease (such as NSAIDs and steroids). People with RA also have less-elastic arteries that can narrow, which lets less blood through and increases blood pressure.

Metabolic syndrome — Nearly 40% of people with RA have metabolic syndrome, compared to less than 20% of people overall. This collection of symptoms, which includes obesity, high triglycerides and cholesterol, high blood pressure, and elevated blood sugar doubles the risk for CVD. 

Obesity — Sore joints make it hard to exercise, and a lack of physical activity can lead to weight gain. Obesity is linked to CVD risk itself, as well as to cardiovascular risk factors like high blood pressure and high blood sugar. Fat cells release inflammatory substances that contribute to body-wide inflammation and CVD risk.

Smoking — People with RA are more likely to smoke than those without the disease. Not only has this habit been linked to more aggressive joint destruction, but smoking also accelerates blood vessel damage and contributes to artery narrowing. Smokers with RA have a 50%  higher risk for cardiovascular events than do nonsmokers with RA. 

Abnormal lipids — RA has an unusual effect on lipids or fats in the blood. Experts call it the “lipid paradox.” People with RA have high levels of triglycerides, low levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL or “bad” cholesterol), and low levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL or “good” cholesterol). Although low LDL is good for the heart, low HDL cholesterol and high triglycerides contribute to cardiovascular disease. 


Many Finnish pharmacies ran out of iodine tablets last week — the day after the Nordic country’s health ministry recommended that households buy a single dose in a case of a radiation emergency amid increasing fears of a nuclear event due to the conflict in Ukraine. And many Ukrainian cities are handing out potassium iodine pills to evacuation centers in preparation for a possible Russian nuclear strike.

“Why iodine?” 

Iodine can help block the absorption of harmful radiation by the thyroid gland if taken just before or immediately after exposure to nuclear radiation. And the truth is that iodine deficiency has reached epidemic proportions worldwide over the last 10 to 20 years.

How did this happen? More importantly, how does a deficiency in iodine affect your health and the health of your family?

The most common consequence of low iodine levels is hypothyroidism. However, low levels of this essential mineral can set the stage for a host of other health conditions.

The CDC’s Stance on Iodine Is Confusing

The World Health Organization estimates that approximately two billion people worldwide are deficient in iodine. In the U.S., however, the “official” stance regarding iodine can be confusing.

The United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that “iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) such as goiter, cretinism, stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, and retarded physical and intellectual development have been virtually eliminated through the iodization of salt.”

A consumer reading the above may think that iodine deficiency in America is a thing of the past. In fact, similar statements may have caused you to dismiss iodine deficiency as a factor for what may be going on with your health. It also doesn’t help that most conventional doctors don’t give iodine deficiency a second thought.

The Reality: Iodine Deficiency Is a Major Health Issue

Being healthy in a world of confusion requires you to look beyond the rhetoric. When you do, you will see an entirely different picture about the state of iodine deficiency in America and how it may be affecting you.

First, let’s consider the “Recommended Daily Allowance” (RDA) for iodine established by the U.S. National Institutes of Medicine. Like current recommendations for vitamins C and D, the iodine “allowance” was established in the 1940s to avoid the most serious consequences of deficiency. The RDA for vitamin C, for example, was created for the prevention of scurvy.

In the same vein, the standard adult RDA for iodine today is 150 μg/day (micrograms per day), 220 μg/day for pregnant women, and 290 μg/day for lactating women. This was established over 75 years ago for the prevention of goiters and severe complications during pregnancy.

For the most part, studies based on the RDA conclude that iodine deficiency in the U.S. is a “problem solved.” An increasing number of voices outside the box of conventional medicine, however, say that “subclinical” iodine deficiency has reached epidemic proportions.

The biggest clue as to the reality of iodine deficiency in U.S. can be seen in a series of surveys conducted by the CDC itself since the 1960s. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys are designed to track the overall health of American children and adults.

A quick comparison between NHAHES I (1971-1974) and NHANES III (1988-1994) shows that Americans’ average urine iodine concentration decreased by a whopping 50%.

At the same time, iodine levels of below 5 μg/dL (micrograms per deciliter) increased more than 4-fold. The World Health Organization (WHO) has established a mean urine iodine concentration which should exceed 10 μg/dL) for overall health.

There was no change in iodine levels between NHANES III and NHANES IV (2001-2002). The problem continues and the consequences for health are staggering.

Table Salt: Not a Viable Option for Iodine

Salt shakerThere are specific reasons why iodine levels in the United States and other parts of the world have declined so much since the 1970s. An increasing toxic load, as well as damaging policies from government and manufacturers, are largely to blame.

Let’s take a look at salt. In the 1920s, the U.S. government responded to a high number of goiters (swelling in the neck from an enlarged thyroid) in the American upper Midwest by issuing a health mandate.

Since 1924, iodine has been included in the commercial salt supply. To this day, table salt is the main source of iodine for most Americans and the majority of the non-Asian world.

Two things happened beginning in the 1970s that led to a decline in commercial salt uptake, however.

First of all, consumers  began responding to allopathic health warnings about sodium’s connection to high blood pressure by significantly cutting their salt intake.

Secondly, health-conscious individuals began avoiding commercial sources of salt because of the toxins used to produce it.

Indeed, unlike in the 1920s, today’s table salt is actually bleached sodium chloride that has other harmful halides such as fluoride sodium bicarbonate added to it. Most holistic health experts recommend skipping commercial salt altogether and reaching for sea salt or Himalayan pink salt instead.

Toxins Cause Problems with Iodine Absorption

The 1970s also saw an increase in toxic chemicals, which block iodine uptake. This unfortunately has dealt a “one-two punch” to iodine levels overall.

Fluoride, chlorine, and bromide are health-damaging chemicals that happen to share the halide chemical category with iodine. As such, they are able to mimic iodine in the body, even replacing it within iodine receptor sites. During the 1970s, American bread manufacturers also replaced iodine with bromide as a dough softener for their products.

Bromide is particularly dangerous since it has the ability to replace iodine in the thyroid. Studies have shown that when iodine levels are low, bromide can induce hypothyroidism. This includes impaired ability to synthesize thyroid hormones.

Other studies indicate that excessive amounts of bromide can lead directly to goiters, as well as decreased iodine in the mammary glands and increased iodine excretion through the kidneys. In addition to commercial bread products, bromide can also be found in paint, new car interiors, and pool-cleaning products.

Fluoride found in tap water and dental products is another chemical that blocks iodine in the body. In addition, a chlorine-containing chemical called perchlorate, an ingredient in jet fuel, can also lead to dangerously low iodine levels.

A 2005 study done at Texas Tech University found that the average breast-feeding infant consumes twice the recommended maximum daily level of perchlorate, as established by the National Academy of Sciences.

Common Iodine Deficiency Symptoms

thyroid gland controlHow can you tell if your iodine levels are too low?

Look at this list of common iodine deficiency symptoms and see if any apply to you:

  • Persistent swelling or soreness in the neck and throat
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle soreness
  • “Brain fog”
  • Memory loss
  • Mood disorders, such as anxiety or depression
  • Cyst formations in the ovaries
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Complications in the prostate
  • Hair loss
  • Dry skin
  • Fluctuations in heart rate
  • Feeling colder than usual
  • Fibrocystic breast disease
  • Gastric issues, such as colitis
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Thyroid, breast, prostate, and other reproductive system-related cancers

Some of these symptoms may seem familiar to you, since they are also indicative of low thyroid function, otherwise known as hypothyroidism. This is because iodine is literally the “food” for the thyroid. Key hormones created in the thyroid, such as thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), cannot be created without it.

Other symptoms may come as a surprise. For example, did you know that in addition to being utilized in the thyroid, iodine is also housed and used in the salivary glands, breast tissue, gastric mucosa, ovaries, and the choroid plexus, the grouping of cells in the brain responsible for creating cerebrospinal fluid?

Iodine plays a part in every function in the body, and when you are deficient it affects every organ. According to National Cancer Institute statistics, thyroid cancer rates have risen 3.8% every year for the last 10 years. Rates of breast, uterine, prostate, and digestive system-related cancers have also been on the rise.

Finally, other ailments possibly related to iodine deficiency, such as autoimmune diseases and gastric system conditions, continue to affect almost everyone. Their rise began around the same time as iodine levels began to decrease in the United States as a whole.

Coincidence? Probably not.

How to Increase Your Iodine Levels: 4 Ways

Knowledge is power. Now that you know the facts about iodine deficiency and what causes it, you should also know that there are many things you can do to make sure you have adequate amounts in your body.

Here are 4 quick tips you can start today to ensure you’re not iodine deficient:

#1. Test Your Iodine Levels

You can do this on your own through a skin test or through an iodine loading test. While you are at it, get your levels of fluoride and bromide tested as well!

#2. Flush Out Toxins

This involves boosting your liver and kidney function as well as taking measures to get rid of bromide, fluoride, and chlorine in the body. Milk Thistle is a gentle yet powerful detoxifying herb that strengthens both the liver and the immune system.

#3. Reduce Exposure to Harmful Halides

Choose filtered water free from fluoride. Opt out of the use of fluoride toothpastes and dental products. Limit your exposure to chlorine and bromide in swimming pools. Choose organic sources for bread the next time you shop. There are dozens of actions you can take to limit your exposure to harmful halides. Choose one each week and stick with it!

#4. Increase Intake of Quality Iodine

You can start with your plate. Some foods high in iodine include quality fish and seafood, seaweed and kelp, cranberries, strawberries, and green, leafy vegetables.

Iodine deficiency has reached epidemic proportions worldwide… and can lead to unexplained weight gain, fatigue, “brain fog”, and much more. If any of the symptoms listed above apply to you, be sure to talk to a healthcare professional to see if iodine supplementation may be right for you.


Newer Antidepressants for Post-Partum Depression

Antidepressants are medications that can help relieve depression symptoms, like fatigue and emotional numbness. Several different kinds of antidepressants exist, but the most commonly prescribed are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Fluoxetine (Prozac) entered the market  as the first SSRI, and for the next 30 years, many experts considered SSRIs the “modern” antidepressant, along with SNRIs.

In 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved two new antidepressants, brexanolone and esketamine


In 2019, the FDA approved brexanolone (Zulresso) as the first drug specifically designed to treat moderate to severe postpartum depression (PPD). Experts consider some SSRIs safe to take while pregnant or nursing, but these medications may not lead to much improvement for several weeks. When you have PPD, symptoms don’t just affect your own well-being — they can also have long-term effects on your bond with your baby.

Brexanolone, however, begins to take effect immediately. According to two randomized clinical trials published in 2018, this medication can significantly reduce PPD symptoms — benefits that held when researchers followed up with participants 30 days after treatment.


Esketamine (Spravato) is a chemical cousin of the anesthetic ketamine. The FDA approved esketamine in 2019 to treat treatment-resistant depression, or depression that persists after you try at least two different antidepressant treatments.

During clinical trials, doctors gave participants a nasal esketamine spray or a placebo spray. All participants also took an oral antidepressant they hadn’t tried before. Compared to people who took an oral antidepressant and used a placebo spray, those who used the esketamine spray reported greater symptom relief and longer symptom-free periods.

How it works

Esketamine sets off a chain reaction of chemicals that ultimately raises your levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF helps your neurons make new connections, which in turn enables you to form memories, learn new information, and develop different habits.

Depression typically involves low BDNF levels, and your brain may have difficulty adapting to changes. Esketamine helps restore BDNF levels, along with overall brain plasticity.

As with brexanolone, you have to take esketamine in the presence of a healthcare professional. Your doctor or clinician will give you a dose between 56–84 milligrams (mg), which you spray into your nostrils. You then relax in a chair for 2 hours. Your care team will monitor your blood pressure and heart rate during this time.

This medication works quickly, with many people noticing relief right away. Treatment requires multiple sessions, typically twice a week for the first 28 days and then spaced out over time. The effects usually last until your next dose.

Safety and side effects

In clinical trials, participants tended to report mild to moderate side effects. You may feel sleepy, dizzy, or a bit “out of it” during your treatment session. These side effects often go away within 90 minutes after you take your dose.

On rare occasions, people have reported more severe side effects like:

  • vomiting
  • anxiety and confusion
  • worsening depression or suicidal thoughts

Esketamine can also lead to significant increases in blood pressure during the treatment session, which is why you’ll need monitoring for 2 hours. If you have hypertension or another vascular condition, make sure to tell your doctor before receiving treatment.

Consult with your physician, as using other anti-depressants as maintenance, in tandem with these newer treatments, are often necessary and effective.


Paxlovid is an anti-viral agent targeting COVID-19– Oral medication preventing viral replication. Very similar to Tamiflu for Influenza & Valtrex for Herpes 2. Key is to start within 5 days of symptoms onset. High dose Curcumin / Turmeric has also been proven to help. Taking Paxlovid with our Curcu-Meric 975mg Capsule is extremely effective. We recommend 2 capsule 2 times a day, or 3 capsules 2 times a day, or 3 capsules 3 times per day depending on your BMI – Small (24-26)- Medium (27-29) – Big (29 or higher).

Pharmacists can now prescribe Paxlovid, Pfizer’s COVID-19 antiviral pill, directly to patients.

The FDA revised the drug’s emergency use authorization on Wednesday, letting state-licensed pharmacists screen patients and determine if they are eligible for Paxlovid.

Previously, only doctors could prescribe the antiviral drug, the AP reported. With some limits, pharmacists can now prescribe the medication for patients who face high risks for severe COVID-19.


Asthma involves reactive airways constriction from a reaction to a stimulant. Individuals with high levels of eosinophils in theior blood stream have a more severe form of the disease most of the time. Eosinophils are specialized White Blood Cells which curb infection and boost inflammation. They are part of the Immune Cascade triggered when the Immune system is defending or protecting the body. An over-reaction, or continued reaction creates excess inflammation in the airway mucosal and submucosal tissue. If an individual starts using their bronchodilator (Albuterol) its a signal inflammation in the airways needs to be better controlled. Therefore, constant daily intake of anti-inflammatory compounds, preferably plant-based, is very helpful for those with asthma. Low-dose steroid inhalers as a maintenance daily treatment is part of traditional medicines approach to control inflammation in the airways, in individuals with asthma.


Coffee has anti-oxidants, and other compounds which have been research and clinically proven to be beneficial to your health


ROOT Cause of most disorders is INFLAMMATION


How Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Affects your Brain & Immune System

ROOT Cause Supplements, LLC – Curcu-Meric 975 mg CapsuleTM

Dr. J. Miller

The damage that MS can cause to the brain may include memory problems, fatigue, lack of concentration, decrease in processing speed, and mood changes. This is not only a disease affecting mobility, however, other aspects of an individual’s health which frequently go unrecognized. These issues are just as important to address as one’s mobility, pain, and spasticity problems.

Essentially one aspect has an impact on the other. An individual with a depressed mood is less likely to exercise, and exercise, stretching and mobility is important for the well-being of an individual impacted by MS. As with any disorder, it’s important to recognize the impact it has on all body systems and organs, and address all of them.

Demyelination of the nerves, depending on the location in the Brain or Spinal Cord, will create such a diversity of symptoms and presentations. The ROOT Cause to this demyelination is most probably, based upon research, a result of oxidative stress (free radical damage) to these myelin sheaths, because of an Auto-Immune Process triggering such a process leading to the damaging effects of chronic inflammation (Oxidative Stress).

The Auto-Immune Trigger can be a result of many factors placing excess burden upon an individual’s immune system. Our immune system responds to any external agent it encounters, whether it’s a virus, bacteria, pollen, environmental toxin, food toxin, Gut dysbiosis etc… Chronic Emotional stress can also offset the immune system, especially when combined with the above factors.

When our immune system is constantly responding to these excessive external stimuli, the immune system, as it is designed to do, will attack the inflammation resulting from these stimuli. As this inflammation turns from acute to chronic, we have excessive free radical damage (oxidative stress). The immune system remains in a vicious cycle against this chronic inflammation, and fails to recognize good tissue from bad tissue, which is where the auto-immune aspect originates.

Stopping the initial insult such as a virus, or simply recognizing environmental stimuli, and lessening the daily exposure; will eliminate much of the “nonsense inflammation” encountered by our tissues, so the immune system can do its proper job in attacking “real” inflammation it was meant to attack, and abnormal cells it was meant to destroy,  and thus not overwhelm the proper functioning of the immune system.

Primary prevention in preventing such a trigger of this disorder (or any auto-immune disorder) in the form of ingesting healthy Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Oxidant compounds on a daily basis, to suppress this vicious cycle of “nonsense” inflammation, and not overwhelm the immune system to a point of triggering aberrant immune function is crucial. As the inflammation bombards our tissues and cells on a daily basis, the only way to effectively and efficiently slow this process is to ingest enough healthy Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Oxidant compounds on a daily basis. Plant-Based diets have proven to positively impact our overall health, and Plant-Based compounds such as Turmeric, and it’s Bioactive ingredient Curcumin, have received much attention in lowering such inflammation.

Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 and several other Anti-Oxidants, have some benefits in lowering chronic inflammation, however, they do not have the Anti-Inflammatory effects of many plant based compounds such as Turmeric / Curcumin. Synthetic agents such as Alpha Lipoic Acid & MSM may also have an impact on chronic inflammation, however, cannot be taken at sufficient doses, and do not match to the mechanism of action compounds such as Turmeric / Curcumin exert on a cellular level, in lowering acute and chronic inflammation (oxidative stress).

Much research is taking place currently on the process of Neuro-Inflammation, and medications are being developed to block inflammatory pathways on a cellular level, which are the same pathways blocked by Turmeric / Curcumin; nfkb pathway is one of those  focal pathways, however, many others exist. Curcumin impacts many pathways.

Curcu-Meric 975 mg CapsuleTM – Curcumin, Turmeric, Resveratrol, Quercetin, Bromelain, Ginger, Piperine, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc

The above capsule has extreme purity, without any fillers / preservatives / impurities, and contains a synergistic formula which maximizes the absorption and bioavailability of the anti-inflammatory compounds for maximal delivery to the tissues. 4-8 capsules per day with a meal or snack, in divided doses of 2 pills with each dose, would be recommended for individuals with Auto-Immune disorders such as MS.

Secondary Prevention, once a disorder has been triggered in an individual’s body, focuses on maximal reduction of oxidative stress (chronic inflammation from free radical damage to cells). Taking Curcu-Meric 975mgTM along with additional Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, alpha-lipoic acid, and other plant based anti-inflammatory compounds such as Moringa etc. can have a significant impact on suppressing disease progression and improving quality of life.


Prevention of preeclampsia is a health care priority, given that only delivery of the placenta has been proved to initiate the resolution of preeclampsia once it has developed. Preventive therapies have been based on the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and focused on redressing angiogenic imbalance, endothelial activation, oxidative stress, inflammation, vasoconstriction, or a combination of these factors. Evidence supports the use of exercise, aspirin, calcium, and labor induction as effective preventive strategies. Aspirin prophylaxis against preeclampsia is associated with a very small increase in antepartum and postpartum bleeding, as well as neonatal bleeding in rare cases. The risks argue against universal aspirin prophylaxis as an alternative to risk screening. Taking 1 Curcu-Meric 975mg daily in those diagnosed with pre-eclampsia is clinically safer and more beneficial than aspirin.


BioCardia, Inc. BCDA announced that the FDA has approved its investigational new drug (“IND”) application to initiate a clinical study on its pre-clinical pipeline candidate, BCDA-04. The company is planning to initiate a phase I/II study that will evaluate the candidate in patients recovering from acute respiratory distress syndrome (“ARDS”) due to COVID-19.

The company is planning to start the study in the third quarter of 2022.

The phase I portion of the study will evaluate increasing dosage of BCDA-04 to find an optimal dose of the candidate. The phase II portion of the study will evaluate the optimal dose of the candidate in adult patients recovering from ARDS due to COVID-19.

BioCardia’s BCDA-04 is an allogenic stem cell therapy that will be administered intravenously. Similar cell therapies investigated by the National Institute of Health as well as other per companies provide a significant body of compelling clinical results.

The company stated that after the administration of BCDA-04, the cells in the therapy migrate to the lungs for local therapeutic benefit. It believes that the Anti-Inflammatory nature of these mesenchymal stem cells may have a positive impact on ARDS patients.

All New research in biotech whether it be for Auto-Immune Dosorders, Infections, Carcinoma, Chronic Disease etc., the common denominator revolves around reducing inflammation. Immunotherapy has impacted every area off medicine. Unfortunately many types of Immunotherapy weaken our Immune Systems. Plant-Based Compounds such as Curcumin / Turmeric, and many others, when taken consistently on a daily basis, lower our Inflammation / Oxidative Stress, while simultaneously Optimizing our Immune Systems.


New Cancer Diagnosis Linked to Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Death

A new cancer diagnosis is independently associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular death, according to a large study published in JACC: CardioOncology.

The study also showed an increased risk of stroke, heart failure, and pulmonary embolism among patients with a new cancer diagnosis.

During the study period, there were 224,016 patients with a new cancer diagnosis. The most common types were gynecologic (20%), genitourinary (19%), gastrointestinal (17%), breast (13%), thoracic (10%), and hematologic (9%) cancers.

Researchers compared cardiovascular events in patients with and without a new cancer diagnosis over a median follow-up of 11.8 years. During that time, there were 248,541 deaths, including 73,360 from cardiovascular causes. 

In an analysis adjusted for baseline covariates, patients with a cancer diagnosis had an increased risk of:

  • Cardiovascular death (hazard ratio [HR], 1.33; 95% CI, 1.29-1.37) 
  • Stroke (HR, 1.44; 95% CI, 1.41-1.47)
  • Heart failure (HR, 1.62; 95% CI, 1.59-1.65)
  • Pulmonary embolism (HR, 3.43; 95% CI, 3.37-3.50). 

The excess cardiovascular risk was greatest during the first year after cancer diagnosis but declined over time. However, the risk remained significantly elevated after 10 years of follow-up for cardiovascular mortality, heart failure, and pulmonary embolism. 

The highest risk was observed in patients with genitourinary, gastrointestinal, thoracic, nervous system, and hematologic malignancies. 

“Our study shows that patients with prior cancer are susceptible to a variety of CV [cardiovascular] events over a long time frame,” the researchers wrote. “Unfortunately, this risk is unlikely to diminish in the short term, given that many newer cancer therapies are also associated with increased risk for myocardial injury and heart failure.”

The properties of Curcumin / Turmeric make it valuable for people with carcinoma to take on a daily basis, reducing the risk of thrombosis and blood clots which are at increased prevelance in individuals with carcinoma. Also, reducing the inflammatory cascade in our system helps with the immune systems role in fighting cancer.

4-13-22 —– Neuro-Inflammation is likely to be The ROOT Cause of – Alzheimer’s disease and MS (Multiple Sclerosis), and other disorders of the nervous system. With Alzheimer’s, the plaques develop in certain areas of the central nervous system such as the hippocampus and amygdala regions, as well as between neurons, inhibiting proper communication between structures in the brain. The Beta-amyloid plaques begin accumulating years prior to clinical disease onset in many cases. With MS the plaques and scarring occur on the myelin sheath, which protects the nerves. Once the myelin sheath becomes damaged from chronic inflammation, electrical conduction becomes aberrant. Ingestion of foods classified as anti-inflammatory, along with quality Curcumin / Turmeric & Omega-3 Supplements to lower the predisposition of the Inciting inflammatory event via optimizing the immune system, along with decreasing the inflammation in these areas once the inciting event has occurred, is crucial for prevention and inhibition of progression once the diease has been triggered. Inflammtion to trigger the disease can be from a virus, auto-immune dysfunction, high levels of chronic inflammation (Oxidative Stress) over time. The key to prevention and treatment, is to lower inflammation on a daily basis consistently with healthy compounds, along with a healthy Anti-Inflammatory Diet. These compounds consist of 1- Turmeric / Curcumin therapeutic capsule with ginger and black pepper, 2- Omega-3 quality fish oil supplements, 3- Daily Vitamin D3 (5000-10,000 IU) , 4- Alpha Lipoic Acid with Biotin, 5-Boswelia Serrata, 6- MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), 7- B-Complex (B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B7,B12)

4/04/22 —Body Fat and Inflammation Affect Colon Cancer Outcomes

Results from a multicenter study

Study Objective

To evaluate the association between body composition and related inflammatory biomarkers with 5-year survival in patients with nonmetastatic colon cancer


A prospective, multicenter, translational cohort study using a retrospective placebo comparison group


All participants included in the study were diagnosed with nonmetastatic colon cancer without underlying chronic inflammatory conditions. These patients were not treated with anti-inflammatory medications.

All participants underwent elective resection for colon cancer with curative intent.

Study Parameters Assessed

After initial diagnosis, all patients were staged, and metastasis was ruled out using standard imaging guidelines. Patients were followed with active surveillance for 5 years, which included measurement of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), colonoscopy, and imaging studies.

Blood samples were collected from patients preoperatively.

White blood cell count and albumin levels were analyzed. Acute phase protein and cytokine levels were measured and included interleukin 1b (IL-1b), IL-2, IL-10, C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).

CT studies measured total fat area and subcutaneous fat area. Calculations for visceral-to-total fat ratio and subcutaneous-to-total fat ratio were made.

CT studies were also used to measure skeletal muscle area (SMA).

The association of body composition profiles with 5-year cancer recurrence and disease-specific mortality were analyzed using Mantel Cox log-rank test, and Kaplan-Meier curves were produced.

When specific composition profiles were significantly associated with poor clinical and cancer outcomes, comparison of mean inflammatory mediator expression levels was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test.

Primary Outcome Measures

Associations of body composition profiles with 5-year cancer recurrence and disease-specific mortality

Key Findings

Overall low skeletal muscle area (SMA) and high visceral-to-total fat ratio were significantly associated with less favorable clinical and cancer outcomes.

Low SMA was associated with a more than 2-fold increase in recurrence of colon cancer in the 5-year postsurgical period (low SMA: hazard ratio [HR], 2.30 [95% CI, 1.41–2.89]; P=0.04).

High visceral-to-total fat ratio was significantly associated with developing a cancer recurrence within the first 5 years after surgery (high visceral-to-total fat ratio: HR, 5.78 [95% CI, 3.66–7.95]; P=0.02).

Low SMA (OR, 2.13 [95% CI, 1.85–5.36]; P=0.004) and high visceral-to-total fat ratio (OR, 3.20 [95% CI, 1.85–10.84]; P=0.01) were significantly associated with developing a 30-day infective complication.

High visceral-to-total fat ratio was the only body composition profile significantly associated with cancer-related mortality within the first 5 years after surgery (HR, 5.92 [95% CI, 4.04–8.00]; P=0.02). There was no significant association between low SMA and 5-year disease-specific mortality.

Patients with low SMA who developed cancer recurrence, compared with those who did not, had significantly higher levels of CRP, VEGF, and CD14 expression.

Patients with high visceral-to-total fat ratio who developed recurrence, compared with those who did not, had higher levels of IL-6 (mean [SD], 5.26 [7.05] ng/mL vs 2.76 [3.11] ng/mL; P=0.03) and TNFα (mean [SD], 5.74 [4.53] ng/mL vs 4.50 [1.99] ng/mL; P=0.03).

Practice Implications

This study showed an association between visceral fat and poorer outcomes, which is not surprising. There is an accumulation of literature showing that visceral fat is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, and other chronic conditions.1 This study also demonstrated the relationship between visceral fat and measurable inflammatory mediators in the blood. In other studies, increased visceral fat has been associated with the increased release of free fatty acids into portal circulation, which results in insulin resistance and other metabolic syndromes.2 Conversely, subcutaneous fat correlated with increased levels of IL-2 and IL-10, cytokines thought to possess predominantly anti-inflammatory effects.

The World Cancer Research Fund International lists 10 established obesity-related cancers, including postmenopausal breast, endometrial, ovarian, advanced prostate, colorectal, renal, pancreatic, liver, and gallbladder cancers and esophageal adenocarcinoma.3 Clearly, obesity needs to be addressed as 1 of the strategies in approaching these obesity-related cancers. However, we must be mindful of how body fat is being assessed in our evaluation and assessment of individuals.

Body mass index (BMI), though recommended as an index of obesity and disease risk, has its limitations. It is nonspecific, with only the weight and height used to calculate BMI. There is no differentiation of muscle mass or any delineation of visceral versus subcutaneous fat.4 Therefore, BMI cannot predict the risks associated specifically with elevated levels of visceral fat.

This phenomenon is referred to as the ‘obesity paradox’ and is well-recognized in the cardiometabolic literature but less so in oncology.

The common perception is that excess adiposity, approximated by BMI, is associated with reduced cancer survival. However, several studies have demonstrated that overweight and early obese states are associated with improved survival. This phenomenon is referred to as the “obesity paradox” and is well-recognized in the cardiometabolic literature but less so in oncology.3 This suggests that BMI is not a reliable form of measurement or prognostic tool due to its inability to evaluate fat deposition, particularly subcutaneous vs visceral fat.3

Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) may be a better tool to consider when evaluating patients who may be at increased risk for colon cancer recurrence or morbidity related to colon cancer. WHR was found to be a better anthropometric measurement compared to measuring waist circumference alone or BMI, for assessing excess levels of visceral fat.5

Increased levels of subcutaneous fat and low skeletal muscle area (SMA) were associated with increased levels of inflammatory mediators (ie, IL-6, CRP, VEGF), which are known to promote cancer cell survival and metastatic transformation.

Researchers have questioned whether targeted anti-inflammatory therapies that work to inhibit IL-6 and other inflammatory mediators have a role in modulating the inflammatory association of body composition with cancer outcomes. Perioperative use of taurolidine, a taurine derivative, significantly diminished circulating IL-6 levels for the first 7 days following surgical resection in nonmetastatic colon cancer.6 Taurolidine has been shown to inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines, specifically TNF-alpha and IL-6.7 Whether taurolidine affects outcomes was not part of that study’s design.

Given the apparent role that high systemic inflammation plays in poorer outcomes for cancers, an anti-inflammatory dietary approach should be considered. A 2006 study observed an inverse association between fruit and vegetable intake and CRP.8 Diets high in dietary fiber and rich in fruits and vegetables are associated with lower CRP levels, while consumption of a Western diet, high in fat, sugar, sodium, and refined grains, has been correlated with elevated CRP levels.9 A 2004 study found that adhering to a Mediterranean diet (rich in olive oil, fish, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables) lowered CRP levels by an average of 20 percent.10

Sleep hygiene and exercise can also be included as part of a strategy to address concerns of higher systemic inflammation. CRP, IL-6, and fibrinogen have been linked to sleep, with higher levels of these markers associated with poorer sleep.11 More active individuals involved in regular exercise have lower concentrations of IL‑6 and CRP.12

The study reviewed here found unfavorable outcomes in nonmetastatic colon cancer associated with body composition and increased expression of proinflammatory pathways. These are important points that should be acknowledged and addressed in the clinical setting. However, it is important to note that this was a small cohort study involving only 28 patients. In addition, men comprised 78.6% of the study participants, compared to women at 21.4%.

3/11/2022 – Whats behind the Iodine / Iodide Interest ?

BLOG- Dr. Joseph Miller – March 8th, 2022

ROOT Cause Supplements, LLC

Iodine (I) is a trace element that is naturally present in some foods, its added to some types of salt, and is available as a dietary supplement. Iodine is an essential component of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroid hormones regulate many important biochemical reactions, including protein synthesis and enzymatic activity, and are critical determinants of metabolic activity. They are also required for proper skeletal and central nervous system development in fetuses and infants.

Trace Minerals- Iron, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Manganese, Iodine, Chromium, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Nickel, Vanadium. Some act as antioxidants, others are responsible for a healthy blood system (red cells, white cells, platelets), and others for healthy growth of certain hormones. They also act as building blocks for hundreds of enzymes.

Most recently Iodine has received lots of attention due to the risk of a large or small nuclear fallout and exposure. Even low levels of radioactive iodide can destroy tissue in your thyroid gland. Actually, clinically this is used at times in persons diagnosed with an over-active Thyroid Gland (i.e. Graves’ Disease), Thyroid Cancer or enlarged thyroid (goiter) in the form of radioisotope Iodine-131.

Potassium Iodide (KI) is a salt of stable (not radioactive) iodine, that can help block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland, and saturate the receptors, not allowing the gland to uptake radioactive iodine, inhibiting its tissue destruction and shut down; and continue to  utilize the proper iodide to produce T3 & T4, thyroid hormones for proper function.

Our Curcu-Meric 975mg®Root Cause Supplements, and Iodoral® 12.5mg (KI)Optimox,  provide crucial compounds for Thyroid Protection and Function.

Potassium Iodide (KI) pills made from Elemental Iodine (I) would help people protect their thyroid gland, which is prone to absorbing radioactive iodine. Potassium iodide (KI) contains a good amount of stable iodine, and when taken orally, saturates the thyroid with non-radioactive iodine, causing the gland to become full. This means neither stable nor radioactive iodine can enter.

However,  taking Potassium iodide (KI) capsules doesn’t mean you can’t be harmed from other radioactive materials, which can damage other organs in your body.

Those with allergies to iodine or shellfish should not take Potassium Iodide (KI). Also, higher doses may have side effects such as abnormal heart rhythms, nausea, vomiting, electrolyte abnormalities and bleeding. There are higher dose capsules over 30mg daily, which need to be taken with caution.

potassium iodide from elemental iodine (I) and potassium hydroxide (KOH).

Chemical formula: 3I2 + 6KOH == 5KI + KIO3 + 3H2O

Histamine Intolerance Supplements



Histamine intolerance is a global issue that remains largely unrecognized. Common symptoms of histamine intolerance are irritability, profuse sweating or becoming red in the face when exercising, exercise-induced asthma, psoriasis, eczema, insomnia, nosebleeds, anxiety, and sweaty hands and feet. Stress worsens histamine intolerance as do histamine-containing foods and drinks such as citrus their juices, fermented foods, red wine, champagne, fish, tomatoes, and leftovers. An enzyme called DAO is produced by our digestive system to help break down histamine. Some people do not produce enough of this important enzyme and taking a DAO supplement like Histamine Block can be quite helpful. Our ProBiota HistaminX intentionally excludes certain strains of probiotics that are known to produce histamine in the gut. Stress and anxiety also increase histamine-release from cells, which is why it’s important to manage stress levels by focusing on good sleepbreathing and diet. Optimal Adrenal may also help to bring balance to stress responses. Optimal Liposomal Vitamin C Plus may help to support healthy cell membranes which are needed to keep naturally-produced histamine inside of the cells where it belongs. Once you start learning about histamine intolerance and providing your body the right supplements and nutrients, large strides in your health can be realized quite quickly. Our top-rated histamine intolerance supplements are Histamine BlockProBiota HistaminXOptimal Liposomal Vitamin C Plus and HistaminX.*


Anti-Inflammatory Foods: 1. Berries -strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries 2. Fatty Fish- salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, anchovies 3. Broccoli 4. Avocado 5. Green Tea 6. Peppers 7. Mushrooms 8. Grapes 9. Turmeric 10. Extra Virgin Olive Oil 11. Dark Chocolate 12. Tomatoes 13. Cherries


Many studies continue to confirm the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, which cuts the risk of heart disease and stroke. The diet’s nutritional benefits probably come from various sources, but the generous use of olive oil appears to be a key contributor.

Regardless of the type, olive oil is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, containing about 75% by volume. When substituted for saturated fat, monounsaturated fats help lower your “bad” LDL cholesterol. The health benefits of olive oil have been attributed to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, observational studies have shown a link between lower risks of cardiovascular disease, some cancers, and even dementia in people who consume higher amounts of olive oil than those who use little or none.

Still, extra-virgin olive oil does offer something extra that regular olive oil does not. Extra-virgin olive oil is pressed mechanically from ripe olives and processed without high heat or chemical solvents. This protects chemicals in the oil called phenols. In contrast, regular, highly processed olive oils lose these chemicals. Small laboratory-based experiments suggest that higher concentrations of phenols may provide extra antioxidant effects. Even so, there are no definitive studies that show extra-virgin olive oil has a greater ability than refined oil to prevent heart problems, cancer or other diseases.

Keep in mind that olive oil is not the sole healthy ingredient in a Mediterranean diet. Think of it as just one aspect of the Mediterranean style of eating, which includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and nuts; whole grains; and limited amounts of red meat.

Understanding Your Body’s Gut Barrier

What is the gut barrier, how does it impact your health, and what can you do to protect it?

Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract contains many connected organs across a long, twisting tube that starts at your mouth and ends at your rectum. The hollow organs that make up the GI tract are your mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus. The GI tract is part of the digestive system that also includes solid organs such as your liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. 

The primary role of the GI tract is to enable the passage of the food you eat to your stomach, to control the breakdown of that food, to facilitate the digestion and absorption of the nutrients in the food, and then to excrete all things considered waste. 

The gut barrier: why is it so important?

Although your gut is designed to facilitate food processing and the separation of important nutrients from wasteful products, its role extends much further than that. Your gut barrier, or gut lining, arguably may be the most important organ in your body.

Your gut lining protects you from pathogens entering your system, helps maintain a healthy relationship between your body and the microorganisms that reside in your intestines, and coordinates your immune response.1,2

These functions are performed across your gut barrier, a multi-layer functional unit of your gut that has two main components: a physical barrier and a deep, functional barrier. The physical barrier is mainly composed of a large community of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi) otherwise known as the microbiota. The functional barrier consists of the innate and adaptive immune cells that form the gut-associated lymphoid tissue, which is responsible for immune response.

The gut barrier: how does it impact your health?

Both the physical barrier and the functional barrier are maintained and modulated by intestinal microorganisms and host immune cells. These cells are responsible for protecting your gut barrier, controlling inflammation, and preserving gut homeostasis.3

For example, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are gut microbial metabolites that are typically produced during the digestion of dietary fibers. SCFAs are used to produce energy and balance your gut-brain axis.4  SCFAs also contribute to immune regulation by enhancing mucus production and promoting the development of regulatory T cells (your body’s fundamental immune response cells). 

Your gut barrier can become compromised with acute stress – such as heat, intense exercise, psychological stress, and antibiotic use – or chronic stress such as occurs with chronic autoimmune conditions and GI, neurological, and metabolic diseases. A compromised gut barrier can manifest as an alteration in the gut microbiota (dysbiosis) and damage to the gut epithelial layer. In turn, subsequent damage to the gut barrier can result in the leakage of harmful microorganisms from the GI tract into the bloodstream, which can further compromise immune response or complicate metabolic disorders such as obesity or diabetes.5

Protecting the physical barrier and deep functional barrier is fundamental to your health, not only for increased energy and nutrient utilization but also to ensure foreign substances and inflammation do not compromise your health or your immune responses.6

The gut barrier: what can you do to protect it?

There are several ways you can protect the integrity of your gut barrier. Specific diet7 and nutritional supplements (probiotics/prebiotics/synbiotics)8 can help, but so can consistent moderate exercise,9 stress management,10 avoiding excessive or unnecessary antibiotic use,11 and regular gut testing.12

If these interventions seem very general, it’s because they are. Every individual should have an individualized plan of care for achieving and maintaining good gut health.

Thorne’s at-home Gut Health Test provides a comprehensive gut health assessment so you can understand your gut health status today. Although it doesn’t measure direct gut barrier cell health, the insights from this in-depth report identifies and measures the microorganisms associated with risks of having inflammation, constipation, and diarrhea. Each Gut Health Test provides personalized and actionable diet, supplementation, and lifestyle recommendations based on your bacteria counts and ratios that will help you optimize your gut community and maintain gut health, nutrient absorption and utilization, and immune health.

In a study published in November 2020 in JAMA Network Open, researchers found that women who ate a Mediterranean (MED)-style diet, rich in healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables, had a 30 percent lower rate of type 2 diabetes incidence compared with women who did not.

The new research included an examination of several mechanisms at work in the body to try to identify differences between the MED-like diet group and the normal diet group that could lead to the reduced risk in developing the disease.

In addition to finding the diabetes risk reduction, investigators were able to better understand the potential reasons for those benefits. The largest contribution came from biomarkers of insulin resistance, followed by biomarkers of adiposity or body mass index (BMI)HDL (high-density lipoprotein) measures, and inflammation.

People who follow a Mediterranean diet tend to cook with olive oil, which is a heart-healthy fat, and eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, moderate amounts of fish and dairy products, limited amounts of red and processed meats like bacon and hot dogs, and limited foods with added sugar. They also drink some red wine.

Several previous studies have reported positive health benefits in people who eat a Mediterranean or MED-like diet. For example, a meta-analysis that included 50 studies and 534,096 people published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with a reduced risk for metabolic syndrome. Researchers also found that a MED diet could have a protective effect against developing this group of diseases, which include abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance. People with metabolic syndrome are at increased risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Circulation in both the arterial and venous systems plays a role in our wellness, and the consequences of many disorders and diseases. As can be seen in the LINK below, venous circulation in the neck can create problems in MS patients. Therefore, once again Curcumin remains an important supplement to take for MS patients not only for the benefit of reducing the auto-immune inflammatory reaction which occurs in the myelin sheath surrounding our nerves, however, curcumin also has a favorable profile, better than low-dose aspirin, to mildly thin the blood, improving circulation for preventative wellness, and in illnesses which cause circulatory problems.

Crohn’s disease & Ulcerative Colitis

Crohn’s disease is a chronic, lifelong disorder that causes irritation and swelling in the lining of the digestive tract. If you have Crohn’s disease, you’ll likely go through periods of remission where the disease is inactive and you experience little or no symptoms. You’ll also likely experience flare-ups, or periods where disease symptoms are very active and can be severe. It is important to actively keep inflammation to a minimum within the intestinal tract on a daily basis. Eating a healthy plant-based diet, and adding our 2 Therapeutic Anti-Inflammatory capsules- Curcu-Meric 900 mg & Gluco-Mmune 900 mg, to your daily routine taking, 1 Capsule each with 2-3 meals per day has clinically proven to lower flares, disease activity and long term complication of Crohn’s disease, and the related disorder of Ulcerative Colitis.

Side Effects of Commonly Prescribed Drugs – Click Link Below – This is informational only, as certain medications are absolutely necessary and the benefits outweigh the risks

Psoriasis can affect the heart as well, from inflammation – Click Link Below

New Study (May 2020), Confirms Foods that help keep a healthy cardiovascular system, and decrease plaque build up in our arteries, and even reverse existing damage; are high in Anti-oxidant properties, Flavonoids, Polyphenols, Phytonutrients, Omega-3 & Other Plant-Based Compounds.

Superfoods Turmeric ROOT, Moringa Leaf, Beet ROOT, Oranges, Kale, Garlic, Ginger ROOT,  Chocolate, Sardines, Lentils (Legumes) Peas, Soybeans, Almonds, Pomegranates, Blueberries, Grapefruit,  Salmon, Chia Seeds, Flax Seeds,  Apples, Pears,  Avocados, Eggplant, Broccoli, Carrots, Asparagus,  Lean Chicken, Chick Peas, Coffee, Cranberries, Figs, Sweet Red Peppers, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Tea, Kidney Beans, Kiwi, Tuna, Mackerel, Cashews, Oatmeal, Quinoa, Spinach

We are all well acquainted with the recommendation that Aspirin (low-dose)(1-2 Baby aspirin per day) is Cardio-Protective; However, ingesting the above Foods on a daily basis is more beneficial and healthier for your Organs & Body Systems than aspirin; especially when coupled with healthy nutritional Plant-Based supplements.