Fort Lauderdale, Florida – Retail / Consulting
2655 East Oakland Park Boulevard, Suite 6, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306
HOURS: 1-6 PM Monday – Friday
Weekends By Appointment: Text 609-489-9425
As of 6/4/2024 we are converting ALL our Menu Options at the Top Menu Bar to Clinical Pages. We will be offerring an abundance of clinical information. Some of the Original Information on those pages will remain at the bottom of the page.
Images will be posted weekly, and below each we will discuss briefly a medical / health topic related to the image. If you do not see the brief paragraph following the image, please check back in 7 days. Dr. Miller will post his medical / health topic related to that specific image above.
Pertaining to the image below, referencing Mycoplasma pneumonia, we will always cycle through, and be exposed to different Infectious agents which become more prevelant at certain points in time. TB (Tuberculosis), Measles, Polio etc.., have had outbreaks in recent years, not only COVID. We need to be more diligent in Optimizing Our Immune System on a daily basis, to better prepare and prime our Immune System for the advent that we acquire a bacterial, viral, parasitic, fungal infection. It could mean the difference between a severe case and a mild case. Also, we have recognized the consequences of repeated dosing of antibiotics on our gut microbiome, which weakens our Immune System for future events. Be ProActive and Not ReActive when preventing disease and combating infectious disease. We will elaborate more on Pneumonia in our next newsletter.

We Bundle our Products together, with 2, 3, 4 different capsules to provide maximal Therapeutic Efficacy, and to provide the best protection against developing future disease.
In referencing the 3 images of the lungs below, I provide a brief synopsis of podcast from NYU Langone today 9/24/24—- What is ILD (Interstitial Lung Disease), or also referred to as Pulmonary Fibrosis. In the first image below the gray structures are our airways, carrying oxygen from our mouth and nose to the ends of the smaller bronchioles, and ultimately to the alveoli, where our blood gets oxygenated. This oxygenated blood then returns to the left side of the heart to be delivered to your Organs and body tissues. As you can see in the second image there are many branches of arteries and veins from the pulmonary circulation alonside the bronchi and bronchioles. The remainder of lung tissue which is the pink in Image #1, and the white in Image #2 is the lung parenchema, or intersitial tissue. This is the space affected in ILD, or, Pulmonary Fibrosis. Many etiologies and causes exist for these disorders which affect the lung. Some cases can be triggered by auto-immune diseases, especially when ILD (Interstitial Lung Disease) progresses to IPF (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis). However, when referencing the other causes, the common denominators are the same, which are chronic inflammation / oxidative stress, and / or dysregulation of our Immune Response. The following are examples, with the same 2 common denominators: COPD – (chronic bronchitis and emphysema) especially with recurrent infections over years (viral or bacterial). Persistent Asthma with an elevated inflammatory response which is left untreated for years can also cause in rare cases progression to an ILD type picture over many years. Occupational exposure to toxins such as asbestos, auto brake dust etc.. Other auto-immune disorders such as Lupus, scleroderma, sarcoidosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and others. This is not to say all these disorders will progress to ILD and / or Pulmonary Fibrosis, however they are risk factors, and the common denominator is INFLAMMATION, with or without an abnormal Immune response. Obviously an aberrant Immune Response places an individual at a higher risk for more severe disease progression. Thus to prevent the onset, or to slow the progression if already triggered, LOWERING YOUR INFLAMMATION CONSISTENTLY ON A DAILY BASIS IS THE ANSWER !! The podcast discussed what is in this paragraph, and went on to discuss how to diagnose ILD & Pulmonary Fibrosis, and mentioned 2 synthetic medications which attempt to lower the INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE supressing the Immune System, however, never mentioned the hundreds of plant-based anti-inflammatory compounds we can easily access and make a tremendous impact on the prevention and treatment of this debilitating disorder. If you are dealing with an inflammatory pulmonary disorder such as COPD or Asthma, or a Systemic Auto-Immune Disorder, it is very important to reduce your chronic inflammation to treat these disorders, and to prevent the potential progression, in a small minority of cases to ILD / Pulmonary Fibrosis. To Clarify, Lowering Your Inflammation Daily, doesn’t only inhibit



The above image is a very rough draft of the lungs. The black straight tube-like structures are the Bronchi. Starting with the Bronchus and descending to the right and left mainstem bronchi, then primary and secondary bronchi, and smaller to the bronchioles with the alveolar sacs at the end, where oxygen exchange occurs and the hemoglobin in your blood is re-oxygenated, and the blood releases carbon dioxide for us to breathe out and release. This extensive network of airways is exposed to many environmental allergens, pollutants, chemicals, bacteria, viruses. This constant bombardment of agents, all leading to inflammation and oxidative stress on the cells of the airways leads to disease. Reactive Airway Disease (RAD) / Asthma occurs when these airways narrow from chronic inflammation and mucous and fibrous exudates, thus triggering the smooth muscle in the walls of these structures to react and constrict further narrowing the airways. Using a nebulizer or inhaler to deliver albuterol to the airways helps immediately to relieve this bronchoconstriction and open up the airways. However, without addressing the inflammation, the ROOT Cause of Reactive Airway Disease (RAD) / Asthma, chronic wheezing and shortness of breath will continue and worsen. Thus, the reason for steroid inhalers for maintenance of inflammation on a daily basis, and prednisone orally for for more severe flares. As part of maintenance it remains important to take plant-based synergistic anti-inflammatory capsules on a daily basis. **See The Reactive Airway Disease (RAD) / Asthma Trio on SHOP Page.