What is HER2-low breast cancer?
Normally, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) proteins help control healthy breast cell growth and maintenance. In some breast cancers, however, breast cells have very high levels of HER2 on their cell surfaces, causing them to grow and divide uncontrollably.
Breast cancer patients are routinely tested for HER2 expression using a biochemical process that allows visualization of the protein. They then receive an immunohistochemical (IHC) score. Currently, HER2 status is binary: Patients usually either learn their breast cancer is HER2-positive or HER2-negative.
HER2-positive breast cancers, which meet a certain high threshold of HER2 molecules (3+ IHC score), can be treated with HER2-targeted therapies such as trastuzumab/Herceptin®, which dramatically improved prognoses for these patients after it was approved in 1998 and was the last breast cancer drug to get a standing ovation at ASCO. About 15 to 20 percent of breast cancer patients fall in the HER2-positive category, and their cancers tend to grow and metastasize faster. Conversely, breast cancers with HER2 levels below the threshold (IHC scores of 0 or 1+) are considered HER2-negative and are not treatable with these therapies.
A smaller subset of patients may find out their IHC score is borderline (2+), and this group requires additional classification with what’s called an in situ hybridization (ISH) test, which measures gene amplification.
“However, within the HER2 population there are tumors that have low levels of HER2 expression, which we have termed ‘HER2-low’ breast cancer, for which this HER2 receptor may still be targetable,” Dr. Modi explained in her presentation at ASCO. “Our currently available therapies are HER2-targeted therapies that have not proven effective in patients in this subgroup [HER2-low].”
This HER2-low category includes those who have IHC scores of 1+ and 2+ without amplification (as measured by that ISH test).
The DESTINY-Breast04 results showed that HER2-low breast cancer is now targetable with a novel HER2-targeted therapy. Estimates show that at least 55 percent of people with breast cancer fall into this HER2-low category—including some patients who have either hormone receptor–positive breast cancer or triple-negative disease, who will now have a new strategy to target and treat their disease.
Prenatal Considerations:
· Basic Prenatal – Designed to be gentle and effective to reduce the risk of stomach upset. Contains well absorbed and researched iron bisglycinate which is easy on the stomach and non-constipating
· Fish Oil: Omega Plus – EPA & DHA as a critical building block of the fetal brain, eyes, and nervous system
· Folate: 5-MTHF 1mg – the active form of folate which can help prevent birth defects and needed for healthy growth and development
· Probiotics: FloraPro-LP as one example – Lactobacillus species help improve glucose metabolism during pregnancy and while you’re breastfeeding.
· FiberMend – for blood sugar support and digestive/microbiome support; avoid the common constipation during pregnancy (worked AMAZING for me and post-partum as well)
· Vitamin D 1000 or Vit D Liquid – Studies show that vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy was associated with significant improvements in the incidence of low birth-weight or small-for-gestational-age infants, and was positively associated with greater birth weight, length, and head circumference
· Phosphatidyl Choline – Studies show it positively influences fetal and child development and behavior as well as brain and cognitive health of the baby
· Magnesium Bisglycinate – helpful for sleep and muscle relaxation (leg cramps)
· Calcium – or Cal/Mag combo – helpful in last 3 months of pregnancy when baby develops skeleton and needs more calcium; avoid drawing from mother’s bones
Upcoming / Future Product Considerations:
· Women’s health products including fertility support currently in development for Q2 2022 (more info to follow as it gets closer to launch)
Postnatal Considerations (especially added nutrient considerations if breastfeeding):
· Multi-vitamin (continue prenatal)
· Fish oil: Omega Plus or Super EPA
· Vitamin D 1000 or Vit D Liquid
· Probiotics: others include FloraMend Prime, FloraSport 20B
Blog / Educational Content:
· Prenatal Vitamins and Lead: What A Woman Needs to Know: https://www.thorne.com/take-5-daily/article/prenatal-vitamins-and-lead-what-a-woman-needs-to-know
· The Microbiome and Birth: Mayo Clinic Answers the Essential Questions https://www.thorne.com/take-5-daily/article/the-microbiome-and-birth-mayo-clinic-answers-the-essential-questions
· How Will Pregnancy Affect My Blood Sugar Levels? https://www.thorne.com/take-5-daily/article/how-will-pregnancy-affect-my-blood-sugar-levels
· Why You Should Know Your Vitamin D Status If You’re Planning A Pregnancy https://www.thorne.com/take-5-daily/article/why-you-should-know-your-vitamin-d-status-if-you-re-planning-a-pregnancy
· Essential Nutrition for Breastfeeding Moms https://www.thorne.com/take-5-daily/article/essential-nutrition-for-breastfeeding-moms
Blind ultrasound sweeps with low-cost, portable device identify high-risk pregnancies
Key takeaways:
- Sensitivity for detecting a prespecified complication was 91.7% using a low-cost, portable, battery-powered device.
- The highest detection rate was observed for multiple gestations and noncephalic presentation.
Blind ultrasound sweeps performed by operators without formal training using a low-cost, portable, battery-powered device resulted in high sensitivity and specificity for high-risk pregnancy complications, according to study findings.
To eliminate barriers to widespread ultrasonography, one solution is volume sweep imaging with a portable, low-cost ultrasound system plus telemedicine for remote interpretation by an offsite trained specialist or artificial intelligence, researchers wrote in Obstetrics & Gynecology. This strategy uses blind sweeps of the ultrasound probe guided by external anatomic landmarks to direct transducer movements and can be performed by operators without prior medical knowledge with brief training.
Basically what you should take from the above info, is if you are pregnant, it’s important to have a very quick ultrasound everytime you visit your OB/GYN, instead of just a doppler, especially in high-risk patients.
Beyond Positive and Negative: The New Spectrum of HER2 Classification in Breast Cancer
Michael F. Press, MD, PhD · University of Southern California (USC)DISCLOSURES
March 31, 2023
Key Takeaways:
- In HER2-positive, defined as HER2-amplified with overexpression, and HER2-negative, defined as HER2 amplified with low expression, low HER2 levels can be found within samples by RT-PCR; frozen section IHC; or Western immunoblot, if detecting protein.
- For cancer without HER2 amplification and low expression, trastuzumab deruxtecan could be a therapeutic option.
- Further research is needed to determine if IHC 0 is no or low expression, and the effect of formalin-fixation and paraffin-embedding on detectable levels.
This transcript has been edited for clarity.
Let’s talk about beyond positive and negative as defined by HER2-positive being HER2-amplified with overexpression and HER2-negative being HER2 not amplified with low expression. So as I mentioned earlier in frozen tissue, HER2 is expressed universally in all epithelial cells at a low level that’s detectable in frozen samples both at the RNA level by such methods as polymerase chain reaction, RT-PCR, or for the protein product, one can use frozen tissue samples with Western immunoblotting to demonstrate the protein is recognized, or frozen section immunohistochemistry to demonstrate that there is membrane protein HER2 detectable throughout essentially all adenocarcinomas and all normal epithelial cells. With the formalin fixation and paraffin embedding we move into a different assessment of this based on immunohistochemical staining.
So if we just step back a minute and think about HER2 positive as amplified overexpressors, the treatment for them has been well established. Among those cases, those women whose breast cancers do not have HER2 amplification and have low expression, their treatment had the additional offering of trastuzumab deruxtecan. And it remains to be determined exactly how many of these women have breast cancers that will respond to this treatment. There’s an active discussion about whether the IHC 0 really represents no HER2, which some people actually think or whether it just represents low level of HER2 expression that’s been essentially obliterated by the formalin-fixation, paraffin-embedding process. And so again, it will require additional data, clinical trials, further characterization of appropriate assays in order to identify the different levels of low expression throughout this group of women whose breast cancers do not have HER2 gene amplification and to better define which women’s cancers are likely to respond to this type of antibody-drug conjugate therapy.
What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Hormones are an important part of your body’s messenger system. These chemicals send signals to almost every part of your body. They control things like your mood, growth, and even body hair.
Bioidentical hormones are man-made. They’re designed so your body uses them in the same way it does your own hormones. Bioidentical hormones can be very helpful for people who suffer from a hormonal imbalance or who might not make enough hormones naturally.
What Are Bioidentical Hormones?
Hormones are chemicals that are made by your endocrine glands. The glands release hormones into your bloodstream to be carried to the appropriate body part. Hormones control quite a few functions in your body such as:
- Metabolism
- Reproduction
- Growth
- Sexual function
It’s difficult for you to function properly when your hormones are out of balance. A hormone imbalance can cause weight gain or mood swings that affect your day-to-day life. Taking hormones can help people whose bodies don’t make enough of a certain hormone, or whose hormone levels are unbalanced.
Bioidentical hormones are just one type of man-made hormones available. Of all the hormones out there, the bioidentical type is the closest to the real thing. These hormones are chemically identical to the ones your body makes, so you can absorb them easily. Bioidentical hormones are made in a laboratory and can come in different forms.
Natural hormones are another type of hormone on the market today. They come from natural sources like yams and soybeans. But don’t be fooled by the name itself. Natural hormones require lots of processing for them to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and sold.
Hormones can come in different forms like pills, creams, injections, and gels.
Compounded Bioidentical Hormones
Every physical body is unique and has different needs. For this reason, some health care practitioners offer a compounded, or mixed, bioidentical hormone. The appeal is that it’s a blend of hormones tailored to the individual. But there are risks involved with using this method.
Often, when hormones are blended, a saliva sample is taken from the patient to test current hormone levels to determine what hormone combination is most suitable. There are multiple reasons why this method can be unsafe.
Saliva doesn’t always indicate actual hormone levels in the blood. And custom hormonal blends aren’t usually FDA-approved. They can contain a range of hormones and non-hormonal ingredients that haven’t been tested for safety.
Compounding pharmacies are places where a pharmacist will mix a blend of hormones for patients. Some products might be given the FDA stamp of approval, but the final blends usually haven’t. More research is needed on the safety of compounded bioidentical hormones.
Impact of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy On Your Health
People need to take replacement hormones for different reasons. Sometimes, it’s due to old age or life changes, like menopause. Taking certain hormones your body no longer makes can help improve your health and overall well-being.
Without a proper balance of hormones, your body can go through unpleasant symptoms. Replacing the hormones you no longer produce with doctor-prescribed bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can reduce symptoms and help you achieve a better quality of life.
BHRT can help with the following symptoms:
- Weight gain
- Mood swings
- Hot flashes
- Vaginal dryness
- Night sweats
- Low energy levels
- Memory loss
- Difficulty sleeping
- Decreased interest in sex
While hormone therapy can offer its share of benefits, there are also some risks involved. People who undergo not just BHRT — but any hormone therapy — can be at risk to develop blood clots and gallbladder disease. It can also increase your risk of stroke and breast cancer.
As with most hormone therapies, there is an adjustment period when you first start taking a course. Side effects can appear within the first few weeks and subside as your body adjusts to the new hormone level.
Some of these side effects can appear when you begin BHRT:
- Weight gain
- Fatigue
- Bloating
- Increased facial hair
- Spotting
- Cramps
- Acne or changes in the facial skin
- Headaches
- Tenderness in the breast
Breast tenderness, bloating, and weight gain are the most reported side effects of BHRT. It’s important to consult with your doctor if BHRT is right for you.
Dr. Miller Perspective on Hormones – As a supplement and wellness company we strive to provide superior plant based products to lower inflammation, optimize the immune system, and provide long term health benefits to all body systems. Hormone Therapy remains more of an art than a science. Bio-Identical Hormones seem to be a perfect answer, and I am an advocate of them, however, one should recognoze that ,many pharmacuetical grade hormone preparations contain the same compounds such as estradiol and micronized progesterone. I believe in Integrative Medicine where combining the best of the supplement industry with carefully selected treatment options from Western Medicine and our pharmaceutical industry. Estrace Creams, Estadiol Transdermal, norethinedrone, mocronized progesterone, Evista (raloxifene) are examples of estrogens, progesterones and selective estrogen receptor modifiers (SERMS), which are very healthy options. Yes, bio-identical hormones are good options from compounding pharmacies, however, many good options exist in mainstream medicine. When it comes to measuring hormone levels, there is this belief that a healthcare practitioner can measure your exact hormone levels and produce compounds which exactly mach your body chemistry. That is not the whole truth, as your hormones consistently change, even when going through peri-menopause and when in complete menopause. Compounding pharmacies are using very similar base agents as the NEWER generation of Hormones available today. The best plan is to start low and titrate from that starting point. It may require an increase, however, after 2-3 months, lowering the dose and evaluating clinical symptoms is the most effective approach to managing hormone treatment, while obtaining hormone levels every 6 months to guide the big picture from your baseline.— Will elaborate more on this in the future. Our Curc-Meric 975mg and Female Capsule Bundles provide healthy compounds for a womans endocrine and reproductive system, to be used alone or simultaneously with Hormone Therapy Protocols.

Relating to the image above, most recently berberine was studied relating to its efficacy in treating vulvovaginal candidiasis. This has become increasingly common over the past 10 years, recognizing the therapeutic potential of many plant-based compounds. However, just because berberine was studied for vulvovaginal candidiasis, doesn’t mean that Quercetin or Moringa is not beneficial as well. Therefore, we have created a line of plant-based capsules, ROOT Cause Supplements, starting with our Nationally Recognized Curcu-Meric 975mgTM Proprietary Curcumin / Turmeric Formula, encompassing many different varieties of plant based compounds, all of which have anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory properties, addressing the ROOT Cause of disease on a cellular level; and also impacting specific tissues and organs, based upon each compounds intrinsic unique organic molecular structure.
Myasthenia Gravis – Autoimmune disorder, as with many autoimmune disorders, they are more common in women. It remains important for women to keep their level of chronic inflammation low, especially starting in their 30’s, to lessen the impact and prevelance of sporadic onset of auto-immune disorders.
Ashley G. was diagnosed with generalized Myasthenia Gravis 12 months ago on the basis of ocular symptoms (diplopia, ptosis that increases throughout the day), bulbar muscle weakness, generalized muscle weakness, and presence of anti–acetylcholine receptor (AChR) binding antibodies. Shortly after diagnosis, Ashley had an intrauterine device (IUD) placed for long-term birth control. She was initially started on treatment with pyridostigmine for myasthenia gravis symptom control. That proved inadequate, prompting trials of concomitant corticosteroids (prednisone) and other immunosuppressive medications (azathioprine, methotrexate). Ashley is currently being treated with pyridostigmine in combination with methotrexate. Four weeks ago, she experienced a respiratory exacerbation (myasthenic crisis) requiring hospitalization. She had an uneventful recovery and was discharged after 6 days. She is now presenting for a follow-up visit to assess her disease status and reevaluate her treatment plan.
Type of CalciumElemental Calcium- (approximate value)-What’s The Source?
Calcium Carbonate-40%-Rock-derived: marble, limestone
Calcium Phosphate-38.7%-Rock-derived. Also found in cow’s milk
Plant-Based Calcium-30%-Marine Algae: Lithothamnion superpositum
Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite (MCHC Calcium-)25%-Animal bones
Calcium Citrate-21%-Rock-derived. Calcium sourced from marble or limestone bound with citric acid (think citrus fruits like lemons and limes)
Calcium Citrate Malate-21%-Rock-derived. Calcium sourced from marble or limestone bound with citric acid and malic acid
Calcium Lactate-13%-Rock-derived. Calcium sourced from marble or limestone bound with lactic acid. Also found in foods like aged cheese
Calcium Ascorbate-10%-Rock-derived. Calcium sourced from marble or limestone bound with ascorbic acid
Calcium Gluconate-9%-Rock-derived. Calcium sourced from marble or limestone bound with gluconic acid
Dolomite, Oyster Shell, and Bone Meal Calcium,Varies drastically depending on the particular source of Dolomite rock, oyster shell, bone meal
What Does It Mean to Have HER2-Negative Breast Cancer?
Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is a protein that’s found on the surface of breast cells. Its normal function is to promote cellular growth and division.
Some breast cancers have higher-than-normal levels of HER2. These are called HER2-positive breast cancers. However, only a low percentage of breast cancers are HER2-positive.
Most breast cancers are HER2-negative. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), an estimated 78 percentTrusted Source of breast cancers are HER2-negative and don’t produce too much HER2.
HER2-negative, hormone receptor-positive
In addition to having a HER2 status, breast cancer cells also have a hormone receptor (HR) status. Estrogen and progesterone hormone receptors can be found on breast cancer cells. It’s worth noting that these receptors can also be found on healthy breast cellsTrusted Source.
A breast cancer is HR-positive when it has receptors for estrogen, progesterone, or both. Estrogen receptor-positive cancers are more common and are estimated to occur in about 75 percent of all breast cancers.
In HR-positive cancers, estrogen or progesterone can bind to the hormone receptors on breast cancer cells, helping to promote their growth and spread. As such, treatments for HR-positive breast cancers often targets hormone receptors.
Overall, HER2-negative, HR-positive breast cancers are the most common subtype of breast cancer. The NCI estimates that between 2014 and 2018, 68 percentTrusted Source of breast cancers in the United States were this subtype.
HER2-negative, hormone receptor-negative
It’s also possible for a breast cancer to be negative for both HER2 and for hormone receptors. A breast cancer that’s HER2-negative, HR-negative is called triple-negative breast cancer.
This subtype of breast cancer is less common. The NCI estimates that between the years of 2014 and 2018, only 10 percentTrusted Source of breast cancers were this subtype.
Because triple-negative breast cancer lacks both HER2 and hormone receptors, it doesn’t respond to treatments that target these factors. Additionally, it tends to recur more often than other subtypes of breast cancer.——- Immuno-therapy is very important in this subtype.
Testing types and diagnosis
If you’ve been newly diagnosed with breast cancer, the HER2 status of your tumor will be determined. This is performed on a tissue sample collected from a biopsy or surgery.
HER2 status can be tested in two ways:
- Immunohistochemistry (IHC): An IHC test uses a dye to stain HER2 protein on the surface of the tissue sample.
- Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH): A FISH test uses special labeling molecules that bind to HER2 proteins. When they attach to HER2 proteins in a tissue sample, they glow in the dark.
Generally speaking, testing HER2 status with FISH can take longer and be more expensive. Because of this, IHC is often used initially. The results of this test are reported as a number value from 0 to 3+:
- 0 or 1+: Low or normal levels of HER2 are detected. The cancer is considered to be HER2-negative.
- 2+: The HER2 status of the cancer can’t be determined. It’s likely that your doctor will recommend retesting with FISH to determine the cancer’s HER2 status.
- 3+: High levels of HER2 are found. The cancer is considered to be HER2-positive.
If a FISH test is done, the results are reported as either positive or negative. A test that comes back FISH negative is considered to be HER2-negative.
HER2-negative cancer treatments
The treatment of HER2-negative breast cancer can also depend on HR status. Let’s examine some of the potential treatment options for each subtype of HER2-negative breast cancer.
Hormone receptor-positive treatments
HER2-negative breast cancer that’s HR-positive can be treated with hormone therapy. This blocks the actions of hormones, stopping the cancer from growing.
Most of the drugs that are used in hormone therapy target estrogen. Some examples include:
- tamoxifen (Soltamox) or toremifene (Fareston): selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) that block estrogen receptors on breast cancer cells
- fulvestrant (Faslodex): a selective estrogen receptor degrader (SERD) that both blocks and decreases levels of estrogen receptors throughout the body
- aromatase inhibitors: lower estrogen levels in the body, and include:
- anastrozole (Arimidex)
Another way to block the action of estrogen is to reduce or shut down the ovaries’ activity. This is called ovarian suppression and can be accomplished by:
- luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) analogs, which shut down the ovaries (often called chemical or medical menopause)
- surgical removal of the ovaries (oophorectomy or surgical menopause)
- chemotherapy drugs, which may reduce or end ovarian production of estrogen
Some types of targeted therapy may also be used in HER2-negative, HR-positive breast cancer. Targeted therapy drugs bind to specific proteins on or in cancer cells. Some that may be used for this subtype of breast cancer are:
- CDK4/6 inhibitors, which can be used along with hormone therapy and block the activity of growth-promoting proteins called cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). They include drugs like:
- the PI3K inhibitor alpelisib (Piqray), which is used with fulvestrant to inhibit cancer cell growth in individuals with mutations in the PIK3CA gene
- the mTOR inhibitor everolimus (Afinitor), which can help block cancer cell and blood vessel growth
- PARP inhibitors, which block the DNA repair process in cancer cells with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, causing them to die, and include the drugs olaparib (Lynparza) and talazoparib (Talzenna)
Other potential treatment options for HER2-negative, HR-positive breast cancers include:
- Surgery. Many people that are diagnosed with breast cancer have some type of surgery, such as lumpectomy or mastectomy, to remove the cancer.
- Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy helps your immune system to better respond to the cancer.
- Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy uses strong drugs to kill cancer cells or stop them from dividing.
- Radiation therapy. Radiation therapy uses high energy radiation to either kill cancer cells or slow their growth. It’s often used after surgery to help prevent the cancer from coming back.
Hormone receptor-negative treatments
Breast cancer that’s triple-negative won’t respond to some of the treatments used for HER2-negative, HR-positive breast cancer. This includes hormone therapy and many targeted therapies.
As with many breast cancers, the first potential treatment option for this subtype is surgery. This may or may not be followed by radiation therapy to help prevent the cancer from coming back.
If surgery isn’t possible or doesn’t remove all of the cancer, chemotherapy is the main systemic treatment option for triple-negative breast cancer. Chemotherapy may also be given along with the immunotherapy drug pembrolizumab (Keytruda).
Targeted therapy with PARP inhibitors (olaparib, talazoparib) may be used in people with triple-negative breast cancer and BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations. This is typically given when cancer hasn’t responded to chemotherapy.
Another targeted therapy drug called sacituzumab govitecan (Trodelvy) may be used to treat triple-negative breast cancer that has metastasized, or spread, to other parts of the body.
What factors can affect treatments?
In addition to HER2 and HR status, there are also several other factors that can impact breast cancer treatment. These include:
- the specific type of breast cancer
- the stage of the cancer
- how quickly the cancer is growing
- whether or not this is a new diagnosis or a cancer recurrence
- which types of treatments have already been used, if any
- if certain genetic changes are present, such as those in BRCA1 or BRCA2
- your age and overall health
- whether or not you’ve reached menopause
- your personal preference
Your doctor will take all of these different factors into account when determining what type of treatment to recommend for your individual situation.
Differences between HER2-positive and HER2-negative
HER2-positive breast cancer cells have high levels of HER2 on their surface. This is in contrast to HER2-negative breast cancers, in which cells have low or normal levels of HER2.
The HER2 protein promotes cellular growth. Because of this, HER2-positive breast cancers tend to grow and spread more quickly than other types of breast cancers.
Breast cancers that are HER2-positive also have additional treatment options available. These are targeted therapies that specifically target the HER2 protein on cancer cells.
It’s also important to note that some researchTrusted Source has found that breast cancers may switch HER2 and HR status over time. This is why it’s important to reassess these markers if a cancer recurs.
Is HER2-negative better than HER2-positive?
You may be wondering if having HER2-negative breast cancer is better than having HER2-positive breast cancer. There’s no straightforward answer to this question, as both types of breast cancer have their own upsides and downsides.
For example, HER2-positive breast cancer is likely to grow and spread more rapidly. However, it also has many available treatment options, particularly if it’s also HR-positive.
Meanwhile, HER2-negative breast cancer grows and spreads more slowly than HER2-positive breast cancer. However, it also has less potential treatment options, especially if it’s HR-negative (triple-negative).
Further, other additional factors besides HER2 and HR status play into breast cancer outlook. Some of these include individual factors like your age and overall health. Other factors that are used in staging are also important, such as:
- the size of the tumor
- whether or not the cancer has spread to neighboring lymph nodes
- whether or not the cancer has spread outside of the breast
Clinical Information – Fibroid Uterus
Pelvic Pain in woman can be caused by many factors such as Ovarian cysts, Endometriosis, Tubal Cyst / Abscess, Adenomyosis- which is essentially endometriosis within the wall of the uterus, Menstrual Cramping, Interstitial Cystitis (Bladder). Pelvic Pain can also be related to several GI (Gastrointestinal issues). Sometimes ultimately surgery is warranted to address the pain / condition. However, Inflammation remains the Root Cause in most cases. Taking 600–800 mg of Ibuprofen may be warranted at times, however that is not the most effective and healthiest way to treat. Starting with Turmeric / Curcumin, many Plant Based Compounds have Unique Anti-Inflammatory Properties, and impact inflammation on a cellular level through multiple mechanisms, and not just one pathway as with Ibuprofen. Taking Plant-Based Compounds consistently on a daily basis suppresses the inflammation most effectively and thus the pain, along with treating the Root cause of the condition. As I mentioned previously, with some conditions, surgery remains the answer. Depending on the Size and location of Fibroids within the uterus makes a large impact on the results. I will post info on surgical treatment options on this page in next several days, however, our core 3 Capsules shown below, which we recommend taking 1 of each capsule in AM hours with Food, then one of each capsule in PM hours with food, for a total of 6 capsules per day.
Top Lifestyle Tips to Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Hormones! Let’s face it, these chemical messengers have been messing with us women for years. From your first menstrual cycle to menopause and beyond, your hormones support incredible functions like reproduction, metabolism, mood, bone health, and more.
But when your hormones are out of balance—look out! Mood swings, weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, hot flashes, lack of sex drive, the list goes on. It can start to feel like you’ve lost control of your life.
I’m going to give you the same advice I give my patients on how to cope with hormone havoc. Our hormones are greatly influenced by the environment, and there are some simple changes you can make that can really help with hormonal health. Follow my top 10 recommendations on how to balance your hormones naturally, and I promise it will change how you feel.
1. Hormones and Sleep—Get Plenty of It!
Aim for at least 7–9 hours of sleep a night. Dimming the lights before bed, disengaging from technology, and sleeping in complete darkness helps support your melatonin production and circadian rhythm. And if you can get to sleep before 10:30 pm, you will be resting during the critical time that your body is undergoing physical and psychological repair.
2. The Best Diet for Balanced Hormones
Choose organic produce whenever possible; especially avoid the dirty dozen and aim to eat the colors of the rainbow in the form of fresh fruits and veggies daily. Eat plenty of brassicaceae (cruciferous) veggies (brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, cabbage, and bok choy). They help your body produce more gentle-acting estrogen vs. stronger-acting estrogen that is associated with negative hormonal symptoms.
When eating meat and animal products, choose organic, grass-fed, and pasture-raised. Avoid GMO foods, high fructose corn syrup, and hydrogenated oils. Instead choose olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and ghee.
To get plenty of the beneficial essential fatty acids in my diet, I eat lots of nuts, seeds, and small wild fish. I also recommend fiber from fresh veggies, complex carbohydrates, and ground seeds such as flax. It acts as a beneficial phytoestrogen, which helps support hormone levels when your estrogen is high or low. Plus, it helps bind any excess estrogen in your gut to help your body clear it out.
3. Move Your Body Daily
Moving your body daily in a way that you enjoy is incredibly beneficial, whether it’s walking, dancing, swimming, the list goes on. Resistance and/or weight training is wonderful for strength, balance, and bone health. You’ll even burn extra calories for a duration of time after your workout is over.
4. Go Outside
I love spending time in the great outdoors with my family. It’s a great opportunity to connect with nature—to breathe fresh air and soak in the sun for optimal vitamin D production. I highly recommend experimenting with earthing or forest bathing.
5. Breathe Clean Air
Our air is full of pollutants, especially if you live near highways, airports, industrial plants, or major cities. Our homes can also be a major source of toxic air. And mold and mycotoxins from water damage can infiltrate our bodies and negatively impact our endocrine system. To improve your indoor air quality:
- Use an air purifier
- Investigate all water leaks and musty odors and get them remediated by a professional
- Remove artificially scented products
- Use clean building supplies and formaldehyde-free furniture
6. Hydrate
Water should be your primary liquid. Choose filtered or reverse osmosis water to avoid impurities and contaminants.
7. Lower Your Stress Hormones
Deep breathing, yoga, meditation, relaxing with a good book, enjoying a bubble bath, doing something creative that you love—singing, dancing, painting, playing a musical instrument—are all fantastic ways to relax and minimize stress.
8. Minimize Plastic Exposure
Plastic acts like xenoestrogens, chemicals that mimic estrogen in your body and can wreak havoc on your endocrine system. Instead, use stainless steel or glass when serving food and avoid heating anything in plastic.
9. Use Natural Personal and Household Products
I recommend using the EWG Skin Deep database to check your products and choose the cleanest options.
10. Take Daily Supplements for Hormonal Balance
Supplements and herbs are extremely important to help balance your hormones. I recommend taking a multivitamin with methylated B vitamins and mineral support, fish oil, probiotics, vitamin D, and magnesium daily. I’ve also recommended maca and chaste tree to many of my patients to help support cycle regularity and healthy progesterone. Also consider DIM (diindolylmethane), I3C (indole-3-carbinol), calcium d-glucarate, and sulforaphane to support healthy estrogen metabolism.
This may seem like a lot, but you can start small. Add two or three of these tips to your daily routine to help balance your hormones naturally and notice how it changes how you feel. Then gradually add more.

As per the above image Vasomotor symptoms of menopause, is much more than just declining estrogen levels. Plant-Based supplements with adaptogenic properties help regulate the Endocrine, Reproductive & Immune Systems for long term wellness. Vasomotor symptoms may require low dose of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, SSRI or SNRI agents for acute symptoms, taking these for 6 months – 3 years, is beneficial and safe in many cases. However, long term balance is provided by plant-based adaptogenic supplements, along with certain vitamins, minerals, Cofactors, and lowering whole-body inflammation to improve endocrine and immune system dysfunction.
Why it’s important to stop Turmeric / Curcumin Supplements, and other Anti-Oxidant Supplements, during ChemoTherapy? However, during prolonged hormonal teatment for certain cancers such as Breast & Prostate Cancer, taking Turmeric / Curcumin Supplements, and other Anti-Oxidants is recommended. Taking high doses of Turmeric / Curcumin Supplements is a very therapeutic for of chemoprevention.
The research team studied the mechanisms responsible for this. They found that, when in a soft microenvironment, metastatic cells activate processes such as mitochondrial fission and the production of chemical mediators (reactive oxygen species). These activate a transcription factor called NRF2, which in turn activates antioxidant metabolism. As a result, the cancer cells become resistant to treatment with some forms of chemotherapy.
All because of shorter mitochondria
The conclusion reached was that it all comes down to the fact that mitochondria—organelles that generate most of the energy needed to power a cell’s biochemical reactions—become shorter in a soft microenvironment. Occurring through a complex chain of molecular events, this shortening is what stimulates the cancer cells to produce antioxidant molecules in large amounts, making them more resistant to some chemo drugs.
The physiology behind Turmeric / Curcumin and other Anti-oxidants in activating a cells NRF2 sytem and production of endogenous anti-oxidants is healthy for your cells in a normal environment, making them stronger to fight off infection and cancer (especially T cells of our Immune System). However, for those same reasons, the cells are stronger and more resistent to chemotherapy, fighting off the damaging effects of chemotherapy. So this is essentially a double edge sword where the intake of such supplements helps your healthy cells but makes chemotherapy slightly more resistant to the cancer cells its meant to kill.
Experiments conducted on lab animals have confirmed that when the production of antioxidant molecules is prevented in metastatic cancer cells, for example by elongating the mitochondria, then those cells become sensitive to chemotherapy. Furthermore, this intervention can also prevent metastatic cancer recurrence.

Keytruda is a form of Immunotherapy which activates your immune cells to destroy cancer cells in advanced cases of below Carcinomas
- Biliary
- Bladder
- Breast
- Endometrial
- Esophageal
- Gastric or gastroesophageal junction
- Pancreatic
- Prostate
- Renal cell
- Retroperitoneal adenocarcinoma
- Sarcoma
- Small cell lung
- Small intestinal
- Thyroid
Curcumin, the bio-active agent in Turmeric ROOT, at higher daily concentrations, 4-10 capsules, Curcu-Meric 900 mgTM , based upon lab and evidence based testing; shows a positive impact inhibiting Cancer initiation and progression, due to the unique cellular signaling it imposes on cells and Immune System Cells.