Therapeutic Capsule Trio – (Immune Boosting – Anti-Inflammatory Bundle .0022) 120ct/per bottle – EveryDay Wellness .0022


See higher dosing 200 count per bottle option for those with more aggressive goals


Purity – Synergy – Integrity – Results  —  ROOT Cause Supplements© —  Lower Inflammation & Optimize The Immune System

Lowering Whole-Body Inflammation on a daily basis has a much larger positive impact on the body than simply reducing Pain and Discomfort

Anti-Oxidant  /  Anti-Inflammatory  /  Immune Boosting – Powerful Synergy

Anti-Oxidants lower free radical oxidative stress (chronic inflammation). Anti-Inflammatory Agents such as Curcumin / Turmeric are also Anti-Oxidants, and thus many plant based compounds exert both effects which are essentially the same result- lowering inflammation. Thus synergy among different compounds work well both by lowering inflammation by more than one mechanism, and assisting one another among the compounds for maximal absorption and bioavailability. This Combination of products also delivers highly absorbable vitamins, minerals & micronutrients from plant based sources.

Curcu-Meric 975 mg Capsule™- Turmeric / Curcumin  – Vegan Capsule-formula version.001

Most Therapeutic Curcumin / Organic Turmeric Capsule in the USA, based on clinical results and objective testing. Pure, High-Grade, Synergistic Formula with superior Absorption, Bioavailability and Anti-Oxidant benefits, with the addition of Quercetin, Resveratrol, Bromelain, Organic Ginger, Vitamin D3, Zinc, Pulverized Pipperine (Black Pepper Fruit) & Vitamin C (Acerola Cherry). Keeping in mind, the main components of the capsule, Curcumin & Turmeric are not only potent anti-inflammatory compounds, however, are also powerful anti-oxidants. NO FILLERS / IMPURITIES

USA Sourced Raw Ingredients & USA Manufactured – All Plant-Based Ingredients in our capsules are Organic (Turmeric & Ginger, are organic in this capsule). It is impossible to obtain other ingredients organically, however, we obtain all High-Grade Ingredients.

High-Grade translates into ROOT Cause Supplements, LLC being a smaller lab purchasing our ingredients in 2-5 lb bags, as opposed to larger labs that purchase large barrels / drums of ingredients containing more impurities and inactive ingredients, fillers, preservatives and anti-caking agents.

Our Ingredients and raw materials contain no such fillers, preservatives, impurities, inactive ingredients and ant-caking agents.


All Compounds working in Synergy for maximum absorption and bioavailability. 

Lower Cholesterol, Balance Blood Sugars, Decrease Pain, Prevent Cardiovascular disease, Prevent Cognitive decline, Optimize Immune System, Improve Gut Health


Included: 3 – 120 count bottles

3 Bottles (1 of each below) -Therapeutic Plant-Based Capsules – No Fillers – USA sourced Raw Ingredients – Manufactured in Florida




1 of each capsule in AM hours with meal or snack (3 capsules)

1 of each capsule in PM hours with meal or snack (3 capsules)