Carcino-Mmune 975mg & Curcu-Meric 975mg (200 ct. bottles)



Medical research confirms the benefits of plant-based compounds for chemo-prevention. Immuno-Therapy has become the standard of care for Auto-Immune disorders and Carcinoma (Cancer). Many Auto-Immune disorders were treated with chemotherapy agents such as methotrexate, cyclophosphamide etc…, and still are, but to a lesser degree with the introduction of Immuno-Therapy. The Health of our Immune System is crucial to our longevity and quality of life. All plant-based compounds have a positive effect on cellular health, however some are more powerful and specific for cellular mutations. These 2 capsules taken in synergy are also very therapeutic for autoimmune disorders and chronic inflammation causing pain and discomfort.


200 Count Bottles of each label below


2-3 Curcu-Meric 975mg capsule & 2-3 Carcino-Mmune 975mg capsule in Morning or Afternoon with meal or snack


2-3 Curcu-Meric 975mg capsule & 2-3 Carcino-Mmune 975mg capsule in Evening with meal or snack


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