Liver Health DUO (200 ct bottles)



Our Vision at ROOT Cause Supplements, since its inception in 2017, has been to produce a full-line of plant-based capsules, with synergistic formulas all complementing one another, starting with our Curcu-Meric Capsule. The ingredients in our Curcu-Meric Capsule are healthy for the Liver. Other plant-based compounds, along with CoQ10 and Vitamin E are excellent choices for maintaining a healthy liver, as well as preventing and treating Fatty Liver Disorder, or NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease), or under newer terminology MASLD (metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease). In cases where Mildly elevated liver enzymes, meaning if AST and / or ALT are less than 90, but greater than the normal lab value,range, one can be assured most probably nothing severe is manifesting with respect to liver dysfunction, and taking these 2 capsules will help reverse the mild liver dysfunction. When enzyme levels of AST and / or ALT are greater than 100, other etiologies must be entertained, such as Hepatitis, Liver Injury due to prescription medications, Viral Infections, Auto-Immune Related, and appropriate testing needs to be performed. After appropriate testing this combination of capsules can prove to be very beneficial.

Besides Liver Disease, taking these supplements will significantly Lower Whole-Body Inflammation, and keep every organ performing optimally, preventing stress on that Organ, and preventing future disease. Plant-Based supplements Optimize All body Systems, Improve Quality of Life, and prevent Future Disease.


1 bottle – 120 count- Hepato-Mmune 975 mg Capsules

1 bottle – 120 count- Curcu-Meric 975 mg Capsules

Recommended Dosing:

2 – Hepato-Mmune 975 mg Capsule  &  2-  Curcu-Meric 975 mg Capsule in Morning with meal or snack


2 – Hepato-Mmune 975 mg Capsule  &  2-  Curcu-Meric 975 mg Capsule in Evening with meal or snack

This higher dosing is for individuals over 200 pounds, and / or those preventing worsening NAFLD / MASLD or in more severe cases cirrhosis.



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