Turmeric Coffee & Curcu-Meric 975mg (200 ct. bottle)



Purity – Synergy – Integrity – Results  —  ROOT Cause Supplements© —  Lower Inflammation & Optimize The Immune System

Curcu-Meric 975 mg Capsule™- Turmeric / Curcumin  – Vegan Capsule

Most Therapeutic Curcumin / Organic Turmeric Capsule in the USA, based on clinical results and objective testing. Pure, High-Grade, Synergistic Formula with superior Absorption, Bioavailability and Anti-Oxidant benefits, with the addition of Quercetin, Resveratrol, Bromelain, Organic Ginger, Vitamin D3, Zinc, Pulverized Pipperine (Black Pepper Fruit) & Vitamin C (Acerola Cherry). Keeping in mind, the main components of the capsule, Curcumin & Turmeric are not only potent anti-inflammatory compounds, however, are also powerful anti-oxidants. NO FILLERS / IMPURITIES





1 bottle 200  capsules – Curcu-Meric 975 mg Capsule™version.001   

1 Bag – 14oz.  Turmeric Coffee —  (50-56 cups of coffee) – see information below


Anti-Inflammatory / Anti-Oxidant / Adaptogen Infused —  Delicious Therapeutic COFFEE

** Very Popular Product – Great Earthy, Nutty taste with hints of cinnamon and vanilla

 Purity – Synergy – Integrity – Results —- ROOT Cause Supplements, LLC


1 regular teaspoon – medium coffee strength ; 1 heaping teaspoon – dark coffee strength (1 Bag = 50-56 cups healthy delicious coffee)


After Placing a Teaspoon of our Instant Coffee Blend to Hot Water, one may add any dairy / non-dairy product and / or sweetener they prefer

The Intrinsic properties and compounds in raw coffee beans have been research proven to be extremely beneficial to our health. These benefits are related to coffees anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, anticarcinogenic & antithrombotic properties.

Via starting with a pure raw high quality Organic instant coffee, we infuse Organic & Pure adaptogens, anti-oxidants & anti-inflammatory agents, along with B-Vitamins

The advantage of using instant coffee is we eliminate the possibility of mold and other impurities contaminating your coffee by the freeze-drying and evaporation process involved making instant coffee. Instant coffee due to the freeze drying techniqueis free of any contaminants, impurities and mold, thus we eliminate the ingestion of those compounds potentially ingested with regular coffee.

Despite the health benefits of coffee, the acidity can create stomach and intestinal problems in certain individuals. The infusion / pulverization process we use when adding: Turmeric, Cinnamon, Maca, Nutmeg, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Vanilla Bean & B-Vitamins eliminates the intestinal problems coffees acidity can create.

The Other VERY IMPORTANT advantage of this product is the infusion/ pulverization of these Plant-Based compounds into an Instant, rather than Ground Coffee (Filled with impurities, mold & acidity), allows the consumer to ingest these agents directly for maximum benefit, as opposed to water dripping through the ground coffee in that brewing process.

Our Unique instant coffee blend at ROOT Cause Supplements, produced at our Lab in Florida, will also most likely help if you experience any signs or symptoms of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux (GERD), while drinking, or after drinking Coffee in general. Also of importance to mention is the harmful effects one may experience on their lower esophagus long term if they experience Reflux (GERD) during regular meals. That reflux causes inflammation of the lower esophagus, and in some individuals can cause abnormal cells over time, and even mild stricture / narrowing of that region (Barretts Esophagus)

This can be a quite lengthy conversation about Reflux (GERD); However, the take home message is the Compounds infused / Pulverized into our Coffee will help lower that Inflammatory Reaction in the Lower Esophagus, to help prevent any long term damage the reflux may be causing by coming in direct contact with those tissues when our coffee is consumed, especially the Turmeric, Maca, Ashwagandha & Cinnamon.


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