Curcu-Meric 975mg-formula version.002 (200 ct.)



Purity – Synergy – Integrity – Results  —  ROOT Cause Supplements© —  Lower Inflammation & Optimize The Immune System

Curcu-Meric 975 mg Capsule™- Turmeric / Curcumin  – Vegan Capsule- formula version.002

This formula version.002 – replaces the addition of zinc, vitamin D3 and Vitamin C to our original formula with Ceylon Cinnamon & Fenugreek

**Now Customers have 2 options for our Curcu-Meric 975mg™ Therapeutic Turmeric / Curcumin Capsule

Original formula is version .001,  this formula is .002

The evolution of our Curcu-Meric 975mg™ capsule is as follows- After extensive research for the right ingredients to combine with Turmeric / Curcumin we lauched our capsule in early 2016- this formula consisted of :  95% Curcumin, Organic Turmeric, Quercetin, Resveratrol 98%, Bromelain, Organic Ginger, Pulverized Black Pepper Fruit (Piperine). The capsule size is 00 vegan capsule, which can hold up to 1000mg of ingredients. Our initial capsule was 900mg, then in late 2020 we increased the dosage to 975mg adding Vitamin D3, Zinc & Vitamin C for added synergy to optimize the Immune System. The Therapeutic anti-inflammatory response was more pronounced. In early 2023 we decided to launch a second version of Curcu-Meric 975mg for the following reasons:

Several reasons exist for our decision to create other versions of our Curcu-Meric 975mg Capsule: 1- Curcu-Meric 975mg capsule remains our flagship capsule, and with Curcumin / Turmeric being high on the list of healthy supplements to ingest daily, we would like to offer our customers options they can cycle through, obtaining slightly different benefits from the several different ingredients in the new versions. 2- In our ongoing research it has become apparent that cinnamon and fenugreek also increase the absorption and bioavailability of Curcumin & Turmeric. 3- The unique intrinsic anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of Cinnamon and Fenugreek as referred to in (1). 4- A percentage of our clients take their own regimens of Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 & Zinc, and would prefer the capsule without those ingredients, especially for our customers / clients taking 4-8 Curcu-Meric 975mg capsules per day to treat manage their disorder, and/or prevent disease.

Most Therapeutic Curcumin / Organic Turmeric Capsule in the USA, based on clinical results and objective testing. Pure, High-Grade, Synergistic Formula with superior Absorption, Bioavailability and Anti-Oxidant benefits, with the addition of Quercetin, Resveratrol, Bromelain, Organic Ginger, Vitamin D3, Zinc, Pulverized Pipperine (Black Pepper Fruit) & Vitamin C (Acerola Cherry). Keeping in mind, the main components of the capsule, Curcumin & Turmeric are not only potent anti-inflammatory compounds, however, are also powerful anti-oxidants. NO FILLERS / IMPURITIES

USA Sourced Raw Ingredients & USA Manufactured – All Plant-Based Ingredients in our capsules are Organic (Turmeric & Ginger, are organic in this capsule). It is impossible to obtain other ingredients organically, however, we obtain all High-Grade / Pure Ingredients.

High-Grade translates into ROOT Cause Supplements, LLC being a smaller lab purchasing our ingredients in 2-5 lb bags, as opposed to larger labs that purchase large barrels / drums of ingredients containing more impurities and inactive ingredients, fillers, preservatives and anti-caking agents.

Our Ingredients and raw materials contain no such fillers, preservatives, impurities, inactive ingredients and anti-caking agents.

Synergy is extremely important with respect to absorption and bioavailability of the ingredients. Our original formula included the ingredients listed on the left side of the label image below. Then we added Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 & Zinc, which proved to be a Therapeutic Formula, for not only lowering whole-body inflammation, however, optimizing the immune system. Optimizing the Immune System is not only about certain ingredients, however, the two go hand in hand, as when you lower your whole-body inflammation, your Immune System is no longer being overwhelmed with this “Nonsense Inflammation” and can utilize it’s resources to perform it’s necessary function.

The evolution of our Curcu-Meric 975mg capsule is as follows- After extensive research for the right ingredients to combine with Turmeric / Curcumin we lauched our capsule in early 2016- this formula consisted of :

As of February 2023, this formula will be listed as Formula Version.001, and we will start producing several other versions of our Curcu-Meric 975mg Capsule. When looking at the label you will see the base formula on the left side, and the right side will have different ingredients. Formula Version.001, as you can see from the label contains also: Zinc, Vitamin D3 & Vitamin C.

Formula Version.002 which is included in this order contains the base formula formulated in 2016, as seen on the left side of the sticker, and the ingredients on the right side are replaced with ceylon cinnamon & fenugreek.



1 Bottle- 200 count per bottle – Curcu-Meric 975mg™ – formula version.00295% Curcumin, Organic Turmeric, Quercetin, Resveratrol 98%, Bromelain, Organic Ginger, Pulverized Black Pepper Fruit (Piperine), Ceylon Cinnamon, Organic Fenugreek

Recommended Dosing:

Curcu-Meric 975mg™ – formula version.002 – 1-3 capsules AM hours with meal or snack


Curcu-Meric 975mg™ – formula version.002 – 1-3 capsules PM hours with meal or snack


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